Restaurant Recommendation

any suggestions for a special dinner in the Lambertville area. 

Hamilton's Grill Room, Brian's, Stockton Inn

Many years ago I got kicked out of this place which is a pretty good recommendation for them.

Check-out the photos on the web site.

+1 for Stockton Inn, although I was only in the bar in the basement.

we didn't love Brian's. Just read a great write up of the Stockton Inn I think in NJ monthly. 

I have not been to the Logan Inn since it was taken over but heard it is pretty good.  

Just on the other side of the bridge from Lambertville to New Hope.  

We were at Hamilton's Grill a few weeks ago for dinner. What a great place. With great food and service.

In Ringoes which is just a few miles up rt 179 is the Harvest Moon Inn on old York Road

Very nice, Good food nice atmosphere, It has been a few years since I ate there but I would bet it is still good.

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