Rent Party: Zombies of the Stratosphere, Marco Raneri Band, Creem Circus

This is going to be a terrific show! We're excited to welcome back Zombies of the Stratosphere and the Marco Raneri Band ... Super-duper excited to welcome, all the way from Philadelphia, PA!, Creem Circus ... And, as always, all of the dough we raise helps fight hunger in our part of this crazy planet ... See you there!

Cream for your coffee? 

How about a little Creem Circus for your coffee?!

Your favorite band's favorite band ...

I just got transported to my mum's living room, circa 1975, drumming with bic pens on the furniture while Uriah Heep plays on Top of the Pops.

What a fab rock band.

ridski said:
I just got transported to my mum's living room, circa 1975, drumming with bic pens on the furniture while Uriah Heep plays on Top of the Pops.
What a fab rock band.

Their stage show matches the music! 

It's gonna be a great night. 

Wow! Talk about your throwback. As much as I tried, I couldn't resist that Creem Circus track and video.  I'm not into that sound as a rule, but Christ on a Cracker, they do it right.

If you assure me they'll play that song Friday night, I. Will. Be. There.

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
Wow! Talk about your throwback. As much as I tried, I couldn't resist that Creem Circus track and video.  I'm not into that sound as a rule, but Christ on a Cracker, they do it right.

If you assure me they'll play that song Friday night, I. Will. Be. There.


I saw them over the summer ... They bring the goods. And, like you, this isn't my usual sweet spot, but they are that good ...

Yeah. This kind of sums it up ...

Creem Circus was great. And they played loud enough to camouflage the crap sound in the place. 

Having Nigel Tufnel there with them was great, too.

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