Recycling News Flash

Look what I got today. Not only did the email come a day late but it's dead wrong because they picked up my recyling as normal yesterday. Kinda complaining but more so find it comical how screwy our town can be. On to the post office ..

May 25, 2015

RECYCLING NEWS FLASHPlease be advised that the recycling collection normally scheduled to take place this morning (due to the holiday), has been canceled.… Read on

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It isn't wrong. Recycling was NOT supposed to be picked up YESTERDAY due to the holiday, it was supposed to be picked up TODAY as per the contract. Gaeta is unable to fulfill their contract so they picked up yesterday instead, leaving most residents with their recycling not picked up since the residents were following the holiday schedule of Tuesday.

And what exactly do they mean by 'any' inconvenience???

As if there's a chance that informing people AFTER the fact might NOT be inconvenient???

I think they were trying to cover their butt with the email. Instead I think it just added insult to injury. They would have been better off not sending it at all.

They're just trying to close the loop for all of those wondering what the heck happened. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Can't win for losing, I guess. DPW head admits they screwed up the notification and takes the blame for it as he should, and the TC member responsible for chairing the DPW committee acknowledges the screwup and looks toward ensuring it doesn't happen again for a Labor Day. Doesn't sound like anyone is covering their butts, nor that the responses are anything other than completely appropriate.

And six (6!) days later we get to recycle again, presuming we aren't so offended by the untenably massive pileup of a week's worth that we don't just drive it over to DPW and be done with it. C'est la vie.

I'm printing lawn signs:

Keep The Village a Village.

Recycle on Tuesday after Memorial Day.

I'd agree with you about the apology more, @ctrzaska IF they had left out the 'if it caused any inconvience' line. Just a sore point with me.

If you're going to apologize then apologize. Not IN CASE, but because people were inconvienced.

It's common with politicians and other public figures and is just a pet peeve of mine.

And, I am totally sorry to have dumped my hang ups on you. Part of the conversation, eh?

Just saw the e-mail a little while ago when I got home from an early morning appointment. It would have been a bit late in coming for me if I hadn't already known about the schedule change but there are likely plenty of others who were saved from bringing their recycling out to the curb today or wondering why the recycling was not picked up today if they saw the e-mail when they got home. The problem is that not everyone is signed up for the town e-mail blasts just as not everyone reads MOL or selected pages on Facebook. DPW can still expect to receive plenty of calls tomorrow as can Gaeta from irate residents wondering why their recycling was left at the curb. If Gaeta can not meet the requirement of Tuesday pick-up after a Monday holiday, something needs to be worked out between Gaeta and the town and the decision passed on to residents before the next Monday holiday.

I live a good debate over semantics, so no harm here of course (but you knew that anyway). And while I can see how an "if" might rankle, there wasn't one. If I wasn't inconvenienced (I wasn't--simply didn't put mine out), he doesn't owe me an apology.

But, I wasn't inconvenienced, so I think they're addressing me. I just didn't feel like putting recycling out this week, so it didn't matter which day they came by. ;-)

Hey - at least they didn't use the political apology term, "We regret" instead of "I'm sorry." He put an "I apologize" in there, so I'm completely won over. Not even a "We" apologize. Good stuff.


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