Recommendations for a computer for young kids please

Have two kids in elementary school, and need to use Internet for ST math, etc (for now). As they are starting to both need access and I'm guessing that need will only grow, I would like to get a good desktop that has good parental controls. I've let them use my MacBook (which I use for work, and really want to just keep for work), with parental controls, and I can't get them just right... It's either too strict where I need to confirm each click, or too loose and they have access to too much. They use Chromebooks and iPads at school, so I think either Mac or pc is fine. Long story short, I'm looking for something primarily for Internet use, good parental controls, and fairly light and quick. Any suggestions? TIA

The chromebook looks like a great value. I haven't tried one. I don't know about parental controls. Kids lose and break computers, so don't spend more than you need to.

I just ordered an Asus Flip for my kids for school and to keep them off my Mac. Both a tablet and a chrome book in one, and about $220. I'm less concerned about parental controls, I can and will have a conversation in advance and look at their browser history. They are not tech savvy enough nor old enough to outsmart me - yet.

Before you go in the direction of a Chromebook, realize that it won't support programs like Minecraft, that are not played via the internet (i.e. games that may access the net, but actually need to be installed on a machine).  That might be a bug or a feature...

I think that parental controls are tough.  If you are in the house when they are working, the other option is just to make them work in a room where you can easily supervise and teach computer safety.  (but if you find a good parental controls program, do report back!)  

When we bought a new computer for my kids (two elementary and one teen), I actually bought a desktop.  More computing power for the money (using a monitor that we already owned), better keyboard and bigger screen, and no way of using it away from supervision.

Best of luck!

thanks for feedback... I didn't realize something like the asus was so inexpensive. I was gravitating towards desktop so I can keep it in a central location that I can keep an eye on things. My children are young enough that they would not go looking for anything they shouldn't, but they might inadvertently click outside of the site they started on. Example- they were on Nickelodeon, playing a game,  I walked away for five minutes and came back & there were tons of pop up windows of adverts they somehow unleashed. All kid related, but it concerned me how easy it was for them not knowingly to move off of Nickelodeon onto something else. They don't yet really understand what they are doing, and though I will be with them 95% of the time, I would like to feel that I can step away for a few minutes and not worry too much about where they might end up. I will do some more reading up, but if anyone has found even a good parental control program/app I would love to hear about it too

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