Recommend Broadway show in July for 13 & 15 year old boys

Broadway novice here. Please recommend a show to take visiting nephews from Texas to. They are typical suburban teen boys, into sports and video games. "Book of Mormon" is not in the running due to language, themes etc...

Bonus points if show is long running / easy to get tickets to for a Sat. matinee.

Not on Broadway, but teen boys would likely enjoy Blue Man Group.

Good suggestion, probably Stomp too (if that is still playing).

unicorn33 said:
Not on Broadway, but teen boys would likely enjoy Blue Man Group.

For 13 and 15 year boys I'd imagine 'Boobs: The Musical' would be a hit if it existed.

My friend took her niece 13 to see curious incident, and she loved it...

For Musicals - The Lion King and Matilda are obvious choices.

I'm sure The King and I is amazing, but it has some pretty sad moments.

My teen daughter loved The Newsies a LOT.

They'd probably enjoy Chicago, for the burlesque feel of it, but their parents might not agree with me. (I'd take my 14 yo son, but he claims to hate all shoes, so...)

For a Play (which boys who aren't into theater might prefer to a musical), I suggest "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time"

lanky said:
Broadway novice here. Please recommend a show to take visiting nephews from Texas to. They are typical suburban teen boys, into sports and video games. "Book of Mormon" is not in the running due to language, themes etc...
Bonus points if show is long running / easy to get tickets to for a Sat. matinee.

When our then 14 year old grandson from St. Paul visited us two years ago, he said that he wanted to see Book of Mormon. He loved it, as did we. But he knew about it.

Hmmm... I posted this earlier via my tablet, but it seems to have gotten lost in a black computer hole somewhere... In any case, I wanted to say that Curious Incident is a serious, sophisticatedly staged play that is excellent, but it won't appeal to each and every teen. Depends on the particular teen's age and maturity. Book of Mormon may be offensive to some (personally, I loved it; the woman sitting next to me nearly had a stroke). Lion King is great, and might be a good choice, depending on what the teens are into. Matilda is another good choice. My top choice would probably be Wicked, but tickets are probably impossible.

truegrid said:
My friend took her niece 13 to see curious incident, and she loved it...

Newsies is a good suggestion. My 12 year old loved it and so did his 22 year old brother

Newsies is closed, sadly.

Lion King could work but it's on tour too so they could see it where they live, perhaps. Jersey Boys is in that boat too .

Aladdin, Something Rotten and Finding Neverland are all worth a look!

i liked BofM, I think my nephews would like it, but my puritanical sis - in-law would kill me

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