Rare phenomenon

A couple of weeks ago a friend sent me the link below.  During the night of Dec.21 the planets Jupiter and Saturn will align creating an unusually star like phenomenon.


A couple of photograpers were discussing this recently.

Remember to look up on Monday night!

Jupiter and Saturn are set to align on December 21, 2020, to create a once-in-a-lifetime 'Christmas star'

This event, known as a great conjunction, happens about once every 20 years, but closeness of the two planets makes this a very rare conjunction.

With only about a 10th of a degree separating the two planets — that's a fifth of the width of the Moon — this is the closest they will have appeared in the sky to each other in nearly 400 years. The last time it occurred was in 1623.

Assuming the weather is clear, you'll be able to see the spectacle with the naked eye, about an hour after sunset. But be quick - it'll only be visible for an hour or so before disappearing below the western horizon.

(Please note: This is the view from the Northern Hemisphere. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere the view would be the opposite, with Jupiter on the left and Saturn on the right.)

Full story: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2020-11-27/jupiter-and-saturn-in-a-once-in-a-lifetime-grand-conjunction/12895088

It looks like it will be cloudy here tomorrow night. This is disappointing.

mrincredible said:

It looks like it will be cloudy here tomorrow night. This is disappointing.

I've just checked my local weather ... it does not bode well for skywatching:

Partly cloudy. Very high (90%) chance of rain in the afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm at night. Light winds.   (Note:  This is NOT a forecast for NJ!)

The SE QLD forecast seems to totally prohibit any decent views, thanks to La Niña storms effects. I think we’d rather have the rain, all thing considered, but the celestial beauty will be captured by a couple of local astronomers and shared widely. (I think our best viewing time is just before dawn)

Cloudy in Milwaukee too.  Rats.

It was so clear this afternoon here in Maplewood, but there now seems to be a thin layer of clouds that way.  I wish I knew exactly where to look to be sure.

Look from the moon, now visible 6pm to the right of the moon.

At this point, too much cloud

Sorry you guys couldn't see it. Here in South Carolina, all us good ol' boys had a perfect view.

Is it a one day thing? Supposed to be clear Tuesday night.

From Greenville, South Carolina

drummerboy said:

Is it a one day thing? Supposed to be clear Tuesday night.

The two planets were going to be at their closest on Monday night.  However, you will be able to see them in the sky for a few more days yet.  They just won't appear to be as close together as they would have on the evening of the 21st.

marksierra said:

drummerboy said:

Is it a one day thing? Supposed to be clear Tuesday night.

The two planets were going to be at their closest on Monday night.  However, you will be able to see them in the sky for a few more days yet.  They just won't appear to be as close together as they would have on the evening of the 21st.

In case it does clear up, where near SOMA is a good vantage point? I keep hearing "near the horizon to the southwest" and I can't think of a good place to see that from here.

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