R U missing a green parakeet?

A large parakeet has been visiting our backyard and ground feeding for about five days (in SO near Center St.) Let me know if it is yours or if you know someone who wants to capture it from the outside.

click on this photo link...to see it... https://goo.gl/photos/VXoAv6b73P2YqUMT7

The Wild Parakeets of Maplewood


londonlady said:
A large parakeet has been visiting our backyard and ground feeding for about five days (in SO near Center St.) Let me know if it is yours or if you know someone who wants to capture it from the outside.

click on this photo link...to see it... https://goo.gl/photos/VXoAv6b73P2YqUMT7

The bird in your photo looks like a true parakeet unlike the one in the photo about wild parakeets.

Not sure that he will be easy to catch, but I don't think he can weather the winter, so if no one claims him and someone can catch him, I'll take him in.

In the middle of lunch today, out of the blue my husband gave me a perplexed look and asked: why do we have a bird cage? I bought one because it seems every year I hear of a parakeet in someone's yard. Londonlady is giving it a trial run...good luck!!

Hauscat's lightweight, yellow birdcage is now installed in our backyard trees around the bird feeders. It has my cord to close it if Green Birdie comes to feed.

Awesome londonlady and hauscat!

You might want to put some watermelon or cantaloupe pieces (small bits)in the cage along with some seed. Make sure you are not putting out any other food source while you are attempting to catch him.

You may also want to call the Raptor Trust (908) 647-2353. They are THE source on all things bird. If they don't know, they may be able to suggest someone to help.

Great effort, londonlady and hauscat. Good luck keeping this little budgie safe!

We moved the cage closer to where he likes to sit in a tree. londonlady just reported that Pacino (tough bird name) is sitting on a branch about 6 inches away, pondering his options.

Pacino is to the right of the cage. He let me get very close to him this morning

Look at Pacino with all these birds. Tough guy hangs in there (taken earlier this week).

good job!

And he chooses friends well---peaceable doves, and friendly little sparrows.

If all else fails, and he won't go in the cage, you can try to throw a sheet over him, if he lets you get close. We did that 8 years ago with a parakeet in our driveway

Londonlady sent this photo of Pacino from yesterday

Yesterday I sat in the backyard about two hours, holding the trip line and hoping to catch Greenie, Pacino. My other arm and hand was extended in an invitation for a landing platform. Greenie would hop from branch to branch looking at me, and listening to my chirp (but not responding back.) I guess it doesn't think my chirp is like its feather'd soulmate.

This experience has given a different meaning to "catbird" seat.

Hauscat's animal magnetism and quiet demeanor have allowed her very close access to Pacino. Her caring for lost or newborn wildlife is helpful to those in need (both wildlife and humans) in this area.

londonlady said:
Hauscat's animal magnetism and quiet demeanor have allowed her very close access to Pacino. Her caring for lost or newborn wildlife is helpful to those in need (both wildlife and humans) in this area

very nice tribute! I couldn't agree more. She is always ready to go that extra mile.

What londonlady did not tell you is that she just had ankle surgery and is trying to catch Greenie aka Pacino while wearing a boot. Amazing!!

Great job, londonlady! Above and beyond

Thank you for your encouraging words BUT I haven't done a a great job until that elusive feather'd flyer is encaged for its own safety and well being.

update of Greenie, aka, Pucino, the tough parakeet that resides outside a cage or a building and is very tough to catch and encage: The first two days of this week there were no visits by it to my backyard then for three times it did "touch and go" landings to feed with its varied feather'd flock. Last evening as the breezes blew through so did about forty birds; they landed en masse to grab some seed, and so did Greenie. I was able to photo them. It seems to me Greenie likes the safety of the feather'd crowd. I will continue our quest to provide it enticements to return to the safety and sanctuary of a cage.

The photo is taken through my back kitchen window!

Perhaps once it gets cooler, Greenie will consider a warm home optimal. Thanks for continuing to try. I once saw a blue parakeet in Military Park in Newark in the late fall. I knew it was bad news for the poor thing, but I only saw him that one time...

Londonlady - I applaud your efforts. I tried to catch a blue parakeet this spring, but I had no luck before it disappeared. Throwing a sheet or net over it might best your best bet. Best of luck!

The problem is, if you approach the flock then they all fly away, including Greenie. But londonlady and I haven't given up.

This is an update about Greenie! Many of the sparrows have flown away, and only about twenty (of 60+ at a time) now show up during the day together. Greenie WAS usually with the group of ground feeding sparrows. I hate to inform you that Greenie hasn't appeared in about two weeks. Hauscat and I have NOT given up hope that it will return, and then catching and caging it.

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