Put recycling out tonight (Sunday)?

No, not before a holiday.

But ...


However, I have not seen it anywhere but here and I'm really wondering ...

I'm going to put mine out just in case.

From town website if accurate -


"All residential curbside recycling will be collected on EVERY Monday for the entire town.
(When a holiday falls on a Monday, recycling will be picked up on Tuesdays)"

That other thread quoted someone at DPW saying that there WOULD be a pickup tomorrow. Not sure I believe it, but I think I'll put mine out just in case

I'm putting mine out, don't want to mioss a pick up, if they don't show I can always bring it back in.

I'm putting mine out, don't want to mioss a pick up, if they don't show I can always bring it back in.

sac said:
That other thread quoted someone at DPW saying that there WOULD be a pickup tomorrow. Not sure I believe it, but I think I'll put mine out just in case

You don't have to believe it! Donna Lenci said that Calvin Bell was told by Gaeta that their people are working on Monday and that they would be picking up the recycling on Monday. If it doesn't happen, it's not the end of the world -- there will be another pick-up next week.

Looks so nice out, I think I'll leave it out all day.

My apologies, -old joke.

I still don't understand why they would be working when they ought to be giving their employees a holiday AND the website says that the procedure is to do the delivery on the following day AND there has been no notice whatsoever from the town that the procedure on the website is being altered.

But mine is out, just in case.

My husband spoke to Kathy Leventhal at Mayfest and she indicated that there would be recycling pick up on Monday.

I forgot to put it out and they just went past. So I'm putting it out tonight in protest

yup, they're coming around! Just took mine.

The truck just came by. Put your recyclables out. . . I only got the barrel of plastics out. They are moving quickly since so few folks have stuff out.

This town is such a joke at times. We are jobbed on rubbish pickup as it is (price versus service), and they don't even have the decency to let us know when it will be picked up. So we have to know someone on the TC to find out? Maybe Vic will post his home phone number so we can call him late Sunday evening next time?

They DID come and I had mine out, but I really think that everyone should put it out for tomorrow (as per the policy) in protest. Did ANYONE get a town email notification about this? I know I didn't and I am enrolled for those emails and receive them frequently.

Ironically, the Gaeta who bitched and moaned that the original bid winner wouldn't be able to properly handle recycling services for our town itself wasn't able to properly handle recycling services. It seems that they were unable to fit us onto their apparently overbooked Tuesday schedule so they forced their employees to come in on a holiday to pick up recycling today instead.

The towns isn't blameless either, MOL and the Maplewood Is Green FB page were the only places this information was relayed to the public. Nice.

Mine will get picked up on garbage day as usual lol

What I am basically learning from this is that if I want to get updates on what is going on in town I have to constantly check MOL, FB, twitter, Instagram, and possibly tinder.

spontaneous said:
What I am basically learning from this is that if I want to get updates on what is going on in town I have to constantly check MOL, FB, twitter, Instagram, and possibly tinder.

The TC signed away our service to an unreliable company with no oversight whatsoever. A rubbish service that doesn't come when it's supposed to is rubbish itself. Thanks for less-than-nothing, TC.

Looking forward to such passion as is being expressed throughout this thread being applied to things that actually matter.

I think it is worth being a bit passionate about the recycling company employees being forced to work on a holiday. I am not happy about that at all, but keeping my recycling in after I had heard about this would not have changed that.

But, regardless, if the published policy about holidays is not going to be enforced with the vendor and followed by the town, then residents need to be notified. (And not just via social media or obscure web postings.)

I decided to live dangerously last night and put out the recycling knowing full well that there was the monstrous possibility of having to bring it back. They came this morning as they normally do on Mondays albeit moving a bit more quickly since I was apparently the only one on my street willing to take such a wild chance.

Meanwhile, since it is Memorial Day, I'm going to reflect on my Grandfather's 1918 diary from the trenches of France ("Oct 12: Men and horses shot down in flocks)" and my father surviving the Kamikazes and a typhoon while at sea on a carrier in the Pacific. They were each 21 at the time.

Luckily it hasn't been a big recycling week. Never heard the truck but I assume it was here. Since maybe 3 people on my block put theirs out, there isn't the weekly trail of recyclables that missed the truck and containers in the street to prove Geata's been through. (OK, I'll finally complain to DPW tomorrow about this and my bin frequently being put in front of my neighbor's house).

Keep in mind the man has strict rules about when recyclables can be at the curb. No earlier than 5 PM the day prior (which was yesterday or today?), by 6:30 AM day of collection, and containers inside by 7PM. If I understand correctly, conviction of violating any section of the ordinance carries up to a $1000 fine. So this is definitely a serious concern!


We should thank mumsthewordfor giving us the correct info.

Thank mumstheword for giving us the correct info

Sorry,as you can see I have to learn how to edit

max_weisenfeld said:
Looking forward to such passion as is being expressed throughout this thread being applied to things that actually matter.

Yep. Don't hol your breath, though.

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