Please provide restaurant/bar suggestions for West Chelsea area this afternoon

Hi all, I'm heading into city to see a friend's art work in a gallery on 27th between 10th and 11th in the late afternoon. The plan is to leave gallery at 6 and then go with about 3 other folks to a REASONABLY priced bar/restaurant in that area (or at least no further east than 8th Ave.). We're pretty open about type of food but one in the group does not like Indian or Mexican food. American fare is just fine. Thanks for any suggestions.

Txikito, Tia Pol, Quinto Pino or Socarrat for tapas; Co. for fancy pizza; The Red Cat for American; Half King if you want a pub. Or if you can't decide, Chelsea Market might be a fun destination.

Blossum. 187 9th Ave & 21 St. 212-627-1144. Excellent vegetarian plus good drinks.

j_r said:

Txikito, Tia Pol, Quinto Pino or Socarrat for tapas; Co. for fancy pizza; The Red Cat for American; Half King if you want a pub. Or if you can't decide, Chelsea Market might be a fun destination.

Chelsea Market

Bottino is always good, hotel Americano, Ovest for wood fired pizza and pasta dishes.

Thanks to all of you for these suggestions! I'll report back about what we do (if it were just up to me, I'd definitely do tapas of some sort).

You could hardly go wrong stumbling into any place in Chelsea. We've been to Blossom and liked it a whole lot. It's on 9th between 22nd and 21st, on the west side of the street.

And Chelsea Market ain't bad, any day of the week.

This is a great place, not far from the gallery, and perhaps as it is a bit west, may not be as crowded as the 9th and 10th ave. places

As promised here is the update. We wound up going to Ovest as it happened to be right down the block from the gallery. The pizza looked good (husband and friend had it) and I had a salad that was tasty and reasonably priced. Wouldn't have been my first choice since the drinks weren't reasonable (other places had a Saturday Happy Hour but this place didn't) but the person we were with thought it would be most convenient and he couldn't stay long. Thanks again to all for the suggestions that I will use again since being reminded about how much fun doing the gallery thing is. grin

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