Phyllis Scalera Won't Debate or Campaign in TC Race due to bad back

I guess this was reported over the weekend, but I just saw it today while perusing the local news sites.

While I know that the local GOP is not much of a force, it seems unfortunate that they needed to ask an 86 year old with health problems to run as a favor because no one else would do it. I did find it amusing that she said all that but then complained that "the Democrats have taken over". Gee, I wonder why. As someone who will soon be a senior myself (I already am by some definitions) I am concerned about what services the town provides for seniors too, but I'm not sure voting for someone who cannot physically campaign or debate (how can she expect to servce?) will help matters.

Contrary to most people's beliefs, "peruse" means "to read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way" not skimming through

marylago said:
Contrary to most people's beliefs, "peruse" means "to read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way" not skimming through

I didn't know that and always thought it indicated a more casual browsing. Thanks for pointing it out. In any event, I usually skim through the local news blogs and sites, but do actually peruse when something catches my interest oh oh

So in a Town of this size with a well-educated and affluent population and a divided Democratic Party the Republicans can't find anyone to actually run. It's rather sad.

It used to be that lawyers and certain other types of business people ran for office when they were decided underdogs for purposes of publicity, if nothing else. At least it gave voters a choice.

LOST said:
So in a Town of this size with a well-educated and affluent population and a divided Democratic Party the Republicans can't find anyone to actually run. It's rather sad.
It used to be that lawyers and certain other types of business people ran for office when they were decided underdogs for purposes of publicity, if nothing else. At least it gave voters a choice.

Very few sane and intelligent people in our area want to be associated with the current-day Republican Party. Even fewer want to be associated with the GOP and take a drubbing at the polls.

LOST said:
So in a Town of this size with a well-educated and affluent population and a divided Democratic Party the Republicans can't find anyone to actually run. It's rather sad.
It used to be that lawyers and certain other types of business people ran for office when they were decided underdogs for purposes of publicity, if nothing else. At least it gave voters a choice.

Agreed LOST. I know that not many people want to be a sacrificial lamb, but you'd think that someone would want to run and actually campaign on principle, if only to try to build the local Republican Party. It would also present an easy way for someone to get into the general election and avoid a messy Democratic primary. But, in Maplewood, a non-Democrat looking to win might be better off running as an Independent rather than trying to convince most Maplewoodians to vote for a Republican.

I'm a Democrat myself, but think it's a bit silly that local elections are so partisan. If there was a good, smart Republican running for local office, I would certainly consider voting for him or her, especially since so little of what steers me to the left on state and national issues would be relevant at the municipal level. With no offense intended to Ms. Scalera, that she is the only Republican the local party could convince to run (despite there being two seats up this year) shows that there is essentially no Republican Party in town.

Fortunately or not, the lack of a viable GOP and decades of Democratic control mean that we seem to have multiple Democratic parties in town, even if the divisions only rarely manifest themselves publicly. This year's contested primary is a good example. Perhaps if the local GOP realized that there would be such a divided Democratic party this year at the time it was looking for candidates, it would have tried harder to find them (or better luck convincing them). With Jerry Ryan not on the ballot, one would think that an election with two newcomers as the Democratic TC candidates would have been the ideal time for the Republicans to take a stab at making some inroads.

Interesting thought about a candidate running just to generate publicity for himself and/or his business. The sweet smell of small town politics oh oh As the 'Wood turns.

I am so sorry to read of Ms. Scalera's injury and wish her a speedy recovery. Having had back issues in the past myself, i can understand how ambulatory issues can impact on door to door campaigning and in person appearances for meet and greet and debate activities. That said, does anyone know if Ms. Scalera intends to issue any position papers or give any over-the-phone interviews to media regarding her candidacy? If she is to remain a viable candidate, she needs to offer the voters something on which to base their decision to vote for her.

joan_crystal said:
I am so sorry to read of Ms. Scalera's injury and wish her a speedy recovery. Having had back issues in the past myself, i can understand how ambulatory issues can impact on door to door campaigning and in person appearances for meet and greet and debate activities. That said, does anyone know if Ms. Scalera intends to issue any position papers or give any over-the-phone interviews to media regarding her candidacy? If she is to remain a viable candidate, she needs to offer the voters something on which to base their decision to vote for her.

All she has said so far is a vague statement about doing more for seniors, but nothing else to the best of my knowledge. Adams and Lembrich (and Ryan, for that matter) discussed this topic at length in a debate during the primary that Phyllis Scalera attended, but did not participate in. If she wants any chance of being taken seriously, I think she needs to come out with specific, detailed statements on this issue, and several others. This is especially so because she is not campaigning publicly or presenting herself at the candidate debates. Without giving the public more, it's hard to imagine how anyone could vote for her unless they are so opposed to one or both of the other candidates that they would literally prefer anyone else in town over them.

Unfortunately, the Republican Party is so odious these days that a Republican candidate in town won't even garner protest votes in any number.

ml1 said:

LOST said:
So in a Town of this size with a well-educated and affluent population and a divided Democratic Party the Republicans can't find anyone to actually run. It's rather sad.
It used to be that lawyers and certain other types of business people ran for office when they were decided underdogs for purposes of publicity, if nothing else. At least it gave voters a choice.
Very few sane and intelligent people in our area want to be associated with the current-day Republican Party. Even fewer want to be associated with the GOP and take a drubbing at the polls.

Even fewer want a TC role. It is thankless.


If Ms Scalera can't campaign, would she be able to sit for long meetings if she wins?

ETA: Why does my phone cut off final punctuation?

deborahg said:
If Ms Scalera can't canpaign, would she be able to sit for long meetings if she wins

Serious question: Could she outlast Fred's ability to talk nonsense?

Maybe it's time for "reasonable" Republicans to fight to take their Party back.

Maybe it's the obligation of Republicans in Maplewood who care about the Town to run for TC.

Woot said:

ml1 said:

LOST said:
So in a Town of this size with a well-educated and affluent population and a divided Democratic Party the Republicans can't find anyone to actually run. It's rather sad.
It used to be that lawyers and certain other types of business people ran for office when they were decided underdogs for purposes of publicity, if nothing else. At least it gave voters a choice.
Very few sane and intelligent people in our area want to be associated with the current-day Republican Party. Even fewer want to be associated with the GOP and take a drubbing at the polls.
Even fewer want a TC role. It is thankless.

that too.

LOST said:
Maybe it's time for "reasonable" Republicans to fight to take their Party back.
Maybe it's the obligation of Republicans in Maplewood who care about the Town to run for TC.

running for TC in Maplewood on the GOP line is not the way to take back the party. It's the way to take an electoral drubbing.

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