Pedestrian Struck In Crosswalk on Milligan Place

Around 7:45 PM on Thursday a person on their way to a dance class on Irvington Avenue was struck while in the middle of the crosswalk on Milligan Place by a car turning off Prospect Street.

Is s/he alright? Or injured?  

(My sympathies lie with those walking in the cross walk just to be clear - but concerned about the well being of the person struck.)

Ugh. I love our ambiance but really, our streets are dark and mix that with some rain and bad things happen (don't know the weather on 11/4, just speaking from experience as driver and pedestrian).

The other day, driving on S.O. Ave nearing the Dunkin Donuts, a woman crossing from Ashley's, not in the crosswalk, darted through MOVING cars just to get to the bank. I was pissed. Here we have pedestrians doing the right thing and then this nut playing games with her life. 

Now factor in dark and even black clothing, early sunsets and we can expect more problems...then add rain. While the onus is on the driver, pedestrians need to be sure the cars IN BOTH LANES see you before crossing.

Then add the tailgating car behind you who doesn't pay attention when you stop for the pedestrian. Keep a safe following distance. This is especially bad in evenings on Prospect.

I agree with the comment about Prospect. You have the glare of oncoming headlights (hate those ultra-bright xenon ones!), piles of leaves, possibly rain falling, and pedestrians dressed in black, striding into traffic without giving drivers enough time to see them - and if there are trees near the crosswalk, those sometimes block the driver's view of the area...I will gladly stop for pedestrians, but first I have to SEE them. Please, pedestrians, do your part, be careful and wear something light (scarf maybe?) so you are as visible as possible. 

The Pedestrian was transported to UMDNJ Trauma Center. There was no rain.

Sadly, I tell my boys that being in a crosswalk does not guarantee safety. And yes @formerjerseyjack is correct about tailgaters. They make it almost impossible to stop for pedestrians for fear they'll slam into the back of you. And I thought Boston drivers were horrid. 

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