Parking at Third and Valley complex

I read that some of the spots in this parking structure are going to be available for commuters. Does anyone know how to go about putting your name down for one of these spots? Or will they just serve to expand the existing SO Resident Commuter pool of spaces (i.e. if I'm already on that waitlist, the addition of these spaces may make the waitlist move a little faster)?

Kate384 said:
I read that some of the spots in this parking structure are going to be available for commuters. Does anyone know how to go about putting your name down for one of these spots? Or will they just serve to expand the existing SO Resident Commuter pool of spaces (i.e. if I'm already on that waitlist, the addition of these spaces may make the waitlist move a little faster)?

Last I heard, the new spaces will first go to existing permit holders for the old lot from where they were displaced to make room for the new deck. There are more commuter spaces in the new deck than the old lot had, so there may be some movement in the wait list when the new deck opens up.

Yes, many permit holders (including my spouse) were temporarily displaced from that lot, and are supposed to be the first offered spaces. However, the monthly rate is likely to be significantly higher, so I'm guessing that some might decline, creating some additional movement.

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