
The news is horrible.  Hostage taking (at the Bataclan theater) and killings in the area.  Don't know if this is in real time, but reports are that hostage takers are searching the theater for people hiding.  

Reports indicate coordinated attacks with the killers shouting Allahu Akbar and a decapitated body at the stadium indicating a suicide bombing.  Dozens seen dead or wounded in the streets.  Theater goers around 100 held hostage.  Not good. 

Obama is making a statement now.

Looks like someone's trying to provoke a holy war.  Wish we would accommodate them.

ISIS has been taking a beating in Syria and Iraq lately.  I don't think the timing is a coincidence.

case said:
Looks like someone's trying to provoke a holy war.  Wish we would accommodate them.

Really?  You're wishing for a holy war? 

mbaldwin said:
case said:
Looks like someone's trying to provoke a holy war.  Wish we would accommodate them.
Really?  You're wishing for a holy war? 

No - I'd greatly prefer it if these Islamic extremists were free to continue to behead innocent people.

Yes, mbaldwin, I'd be thrilled if we could execute each and every one of these people.

Why? I just don't understand how any religion or ideology is worth killing another human being. This isn't about a war or self defense, this is senseless murder.   

Hahaha said:
Why? I just don't understand how any religion or ideology is worth killing another human being. This isn't about a war or self defense, this is senseless murder.   

Are you kidding these terrorists are killing and beheading for their religious beliefs. You may not consider it a war on religion but they are. Time to wake up and open your eyes about these people.

It would only be a religious war if you considered what is happeing in Paris to be religion.

dave said:
It would only be a religious war if you considered what is happeing in Paris to be religion.

Doesn't matter what you consider it. 

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks Andrew Sullivan wrote an essay in the NYT. The title was "This is a Religious War". It is very much still worth reading. ETA link -

I, for one, would like to send prayers for healing to the citizens of Paris. 

marylago said:
I, for one, would like to send prayers for healing to the citizens of Paris. 

Me too. I'd also like to send the people that do this stuff to their 72 virgins. Via drone missiles.

dave said:
It would only be a religious war if you considered what is happeing in Paris to be religion.

Did it happen? ( more than once)Yes

Are these maggots doing this in the name of their religious beliefs? Yes

Do I consider it a religious war on any person that does not agree with their beliefs? Yes

Do I believe it will not end until their religion dominates globally? Yes 

Or until it's put an end to permanently. By any means possible.

The religion is called Islam.  It was founded by a warlord named Mohammed, who began a war of global conquest that continues today. 

dave said:
It would only be a religious war if you considered what is happeing in Paris to be religion.

I agree these filthy terrorists and their leaders use Islam as a means of recruitment to grow their power, but I disagree they are  practicing Islam by conducting terror attacks on civilians.

this is horrific. Prayers to our friends in Paris.

My childhood friend lives there and she told me she is safe, but I'm so sad thinking  about what she and all those people are going through right now, and the massive loss of innocent lives.

I put on a pot of coffee so that I could stay awake to hear the first Imam to rail against the heinous slaughter of innocent people in the name of Allah. If I fall asleep and miss it, please feel free to post a link here.

like many, we still have family living in Paris and in other parts of France and Europe. It's beyond frightening, and I cannot begin to know how my Oncle Georges and Tante Yvonne must be feeling, having lived through WW2, and later the student unrest in the 1960s, the later civil protests. Can't even contact them as it's Shabbat. 

As D said, we can refuse to 'honour' the criminals by calling 'terrorists', by refusing to dwell for hours on their vandalism, arson, murder and attempted. We can take the politics from their cause and take issue with their criminal acts, and prosecute and punish those acts. (Well, support the French in doing so) 

I am grateful that we live in an age in which communications tech is relatively cheap and ever-present; most of us can get hold of the people we need fairly easily, compared with even a couple of decades ago. I pray that no more are missing, and are living and with minor injuries, if any.

I get the philosophical and psychological boost attained by trying to cut these thugs away from what they claim is their motivation, but their religion is their motivating force. Without making a parallel between the types of organization, because I do not view Islamic terrorists as a criminal organization, it reminds me of J Edgar Hoover insisting for years that there was no Italian mafia. Italians are good people, blah blah. 

Well, of course they are, and this country,can process "Italians are good people, but there are organized criminals and they happen to be Italian". 

Recognize that all these contortions, insisting that the terrorists are just misguided dopes who are no more Muslim than the Pope, is NOT a message attempting to impact ISIS, or Al Queda, or Hezbollah, and on and on. 

It's directed at YOU, and at me, and all the other folks that the ones formulating the message think are troglodytes who will instantly rouse ourselves from our daily stupid life and go rampage on some innocent people.

Ask yourself simply: why does ISIS kill? Why do they kill who they kill versus who they don't? In furtherance of what? 

Their religion is at the core of what they do. We can stupidly insist that it isn't, and that we know their religion better than they, but that is self delusion.

The truth is ugly- there are bad people out there, and they're not motivated by money, stemming from a rough childhood. Were it in their power, they would kill you and your entire family. That's a fact. It would have nothing, nothing to do with the furtherance of a criminal empire.

They're telling you what they are, every day, by deed and word. Ignore the message at great peril.

I couldn't care less WHY they're doing it - they want to bring about the end of days, or they're just a bunch of cranky robe-wearing woman-haters... all the same to me.  When they impose their will by force, all they'll understand is force in return.

Enough wringing of the hands and calls for tolerance - kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

case said:
I couldn't care less WHY they're doing it - they want to bring about the end of days, or they're just a bunch of cranky robe-wearing woman-haters... all the same to me.  When they impose their will by force, all they'll understand is force in return.
Enough wringing of the hands and calls for tolerance - kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

How, exactly?

(Not "trolling," just wondering.) We don't know where they are, specifically. Do we bomb Islamic people hoping to get just the barbarians?

French President Hollande stated that retribution would be without mercy.  How do you strike fear and intimidate a people who are willing and wanting to die for their cause?  Of the eight terrorists, seven of them killed themselves with suicide bomb vests.  I assume the eighth one was killed by the French police.  They launched this massacre knowing that they would die by their own hand, the goal being to kill as many innocent people as possible.  (Sound familiar?)  There is no happy ending here.

this stupid country created and facilitated ISIS' creation, one feckless administration after another, whether it was invading and destabilizing a country for no reason whatsoever, and/or spending our tax dollars to arm the free Syrian army who then promptly joined ISIS who are fellow Sunnis against the minority rule in Syria, or whether it was leaving millions in arms and vehicles when we abandoned Iraq for the Sunni militias to use and least but not least, leaving the oil fileds for their use and profit after we expended thousands of lives and billions upon billions in our wealth --- we created this group and the next play will be to steal more of our sons and rape more of our treasury to further their ineptitude.  

That's the truth.

case said:
I couldn't care less WHY they're doing it - they want to bring about the end of days, or they're just a bunch of cranky robe-wearing woman-haters... all the same to me.  When they impose their will by force, all they'll understand is force in return.
Enough wringing of the hands and calls for tolerance - kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

Who do you mean by "them?"

Just remember that Iranian fascists are now this close to having nuclear weapons so you have that in addition to the Sunni ISIS and AQ threats to the West. 

Robert_Casotto said:
this stupid country created and facilitated ISIS' creation, one feckless administration after another, whether it was invading and destabilizing a country for no reason whatsoever, and/or spending our tax dollars to arm the free Syrian army who then promptly joined ISIS who are fellow Sunnis against the minority rule in Syria, or whether it was leaving millions in arms and vehicles when we abandoned Iraq for the Sunni militias to use and least but not least, leaving the oil fileds for their use and profit after we expended thousands of lives and billions upon billions in our wealth --- we created this group and the next play will be to steal more of our sons and rape more of our treasury to further their ineptitude.  
That's the truth.

In some ways I agree with this.  Our  (America and the West) decades long ignorance of the rise of a militaristic Islam and appeasing and or enabling terrorism has led to this.   

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