Oven Stopped Working

The other day our gas oven stopped working. The range still works fine, but the oven doesn't heat up. The light comes on to indicate the oven is in use, but no gas comes out and there's no sound from an igniter. Who should we contact to investigate? A plumber or an appliance repair person? The stove has been here since we moved in (5+ years ago) so there's probably no warranty.

Thanks for the help!

Norman's Appliance (973) 564-9050

Larry of Astre Appliance Tech. (908) 272-7744 or (908) 273-4166

Appliance repair. However, if you smell gas, you might want to call PSE&G.

Norman is great - had him over for a dishwasher issue.

We also had PSE&G come out to investigate the problem with our oven a few years ago. I don't think there was a charge for the visit. We needed to replace a part. Done deal.

My guess is the igniter is bad.


That happened to our oven in our home and then it also happened in our rental. Both times it was the ceramic igniter thing. We ordered a replacement and did the swap ourselves. It was fun, but uhh, Ms. bikefixed says that kind of thing just proves I'm a weirdo.

Just replaced our stove for this very issue. It was 12 years old and we are not real DIYers, so we priced repairs against age and decided it was better to replace it.

+1 for Norman -- it was the igniter. He put in a new one. All better!

I had a great experience with George's Appliances- they fixed our fridge, but I wouldn't hesitate to call them for anything.

Thanks everyone. It was the igniter. Norman hooked us up. He said our older oven with a new igniter would probably last as long as a brand new oven. Go old stuff!

@bikefixed--my wife was not willing to wait for my repair attempt.


I'm glad you got out sorted though. Now you can use the money you saved to make amends by taking your wife out for dinner. Ironically of course.

bikefixed said:

That happened to our oven in our home and then it also happened in our rental. Both times it was the ceramic igniter thing. We ordered a replacement and did the swap ourselves. It was fun, but uhh, Ms. bikefixed says that kind of thing just proves I'm a weirdo.

I recently did this. I'm a weirdo, too.

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