Our Ladys of Sorrows-Part-Time Preshool

Does OLS offer a two day week option for toddlers (2.5 years old)

Yes. New program starting this fall. We are signed up. Give them a call.

I called and they told me two days per week was not an option....I didn't give them the age...are you doing only two days per week...who did you speak to....

Weekday Cooperative Preschool offers two days for 2 1/2 year olds, with the option of adding a third day in October. We also offer a caregiver and child class for those under 2 1/2 years, an excellent class to help with adjustment to preschool. Contact Liz at director@weekdaynurserycoop.org.

Call the school not the nursery. The Nursery is only five days, full time (same campus, different program).

The school is Pre-K-8th grade. The school is running the 2.5 program. Hope that helps.

Oh, okay...thanks....

What are the hours/schedule for OLS

Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:00-11:30 am.

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