As_If said:
my daughter and a couple of her friends want to donate $ from their lemonade stand to the Pantry--when I drop food I don't see anyone around--does anyone know when someone would be there to take the donation? thanks
I have an unused brand new rice cooker that I don't need. Does anyone know if it would be OLS would take it? I could imagine it being useful for anyone who gets dry rice as part of their bundle.
The OLS Food Pantry is located inside OLS Church. You go through the SIDE door on Fourth St. (a little bit up the hill from the school entrance). This takes you into the basement of the church, and if you take an immediate left through the first inside door, you'll see the stairs going up to the upper church, and a big brown door in front of you. That door is where the food is stored, and where it's handed out on Saturday mornings.
The info above is a little out of date, but the pantry is now run by Kate Cahill, along with Rebecca Rowell. They do a fabulous job, and Kate also sits on the Board of MEND (Meeting Emergency Needs with Dignity). They use a "Sign up Genius" system to help get the word out about when they need help or what things they may be running low on.
Actually, the best way to get info is through the church website, under "Ministries":
It has both of their phone numbers and some info about how the Pantry works.
I doubt they'd have use for the rice cooker itself, but I'm sure they'd have ideas about the best way to donate it.
It's a wonderful ministry!
Kate Cahill and Rebecca Rowell have been doing an amazing job as leaders of the Pantry for the last 2(3?) years.
Checks payable to "OLS Food Pantry" can be left at the Parish Office located in the Church basement M-F 9:00AM to 4:30PM