NRG versus PSEG

I couldn't find a better category for this so it is here in Home Fix-it.

Did anyone receive a mailing form NRG asking you to switch from PSEG for electricity?  

Has anyone switched?

Opinions?  pricing?


These alternative utility providers are almost always a scam, though I don't know anything about NRG. Make sure you read the fine print. Usually they reserve the right to increase rates after a year and you can't dump them for X months.

hmmm thanks.  They are offering air miles for switching and staying...attractive offer. but if a scam...ugh

PSE&G sells electricity at their cost - no profit. They make their money on delivery, which you'll still have to pay since NRG doesn't own transmission lines.

I guess I could contact United Airlines and find out if the miles thing is real..that would help identify a scam.

The miles are real.  The electricity is real.  What is a scam is the promise of savings over PSE&G. Those evaporate after a short time but you wind up stuck in a longer term agreement. 

There have been several threads about this, and I have never read of a happy customer.

Thanks for the input, I didn't see another thread

I used an alternate for a while..but they offered a hefty incentive..during that time frame I was very sick and often in a haze...and PSEG stopped sending out bills to a lot of people  or a lot just weren't getting the bills for months at a time-i did check and I was not signed up for paperless sick as I was, i was depending on the bills to keep track of what I owed....the thing is the past due notices/threat to shut off service are on the bill if you don't get the don't get the past due notice...I could barely get up to eat and use the bathroom...i wasn't even recording payments in my check book..i would just check my balance periodically and go with it....i honestly didn't realize I hadn't paid it for months because I was too sick to care....eventually i got a letter from the 3rd party demanding payment...and a refund of the gift card they gave me....i appealed because of the billing problem (i had found out others weren't getting bills either)....and caught up on the payments...they agreed to let me keep the gift card....BUT....2 years later, I started getting a collection notice from a different collection agency every 6 months...and every 6 months I would submit the documentation that the account had been cleared up....its now been about 9 maybe .....

my bills were about the same for both companies....the 3rd party was constellation

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