NJEA Endorses Line A?


SOMEA seems a bit lost. First not endorsing the only educator on the slate Tuesday and now seemingly going against their state leadership.

Somebody's definitely a bit lost: As usual, me.

State leadership vs. "local members"? Endorsement vs. "a great meeting"?

ETA: Ah, I see now. You, too, were simply posing a question. May you find your answer.

Perhaps it's just interesting timing? Two days after SOMEA's entry into a Democratic primary, NJEA is hanging out in front of cameras with Line A?

Not sure why teachers unions are even involved in this at all

The Teachers Union is involved at the State level because they want their pension plan made whole. Not sure what role if any elected officials at the municipal level would have on that.

SOMEA is not endorsing a candidate based on the pension issue but on the issues of PILOTs and school district/municipality communication. Not sure what role if any our State Officials would have where those issues are concerned unless they are looking to change the legislation affecting the way in which PILOTs are distributed and I don't see that on the table any time soon.

dave said:
Perhaps it's just interesting timing? Two days after SOMEA's entry into a Democratic primary, NJEA is hanging out in front of cameras with Line A?


(Hat tip to joan_crystal.)

(Also, for the record, the SOMEA endorsement is dated May 18.)

Well, now we know why SOMEA (well, one member anyway) endorsed Lembrich and clearly wanted no part of interviewing any other candidates. Seems like that VG "endorsement" is missing a few pertinent details, intentionally omitting the underlying personal connection/history between the author of the endorsement, Lembrich, and their role in his campaign, but it clearly makes sense now. So much for integrity.

I would like to hear from the President of Somea regarding the process that led to the first-ever endorsement of a township candidate by the organization. There are a number of questions that need to be answered.

Don't hold your breath, but I'm willing to wait and see whether ethics can be counted as one of their strong suits. OTOH, at this point, though, it makes no difference and would likely ring empty. Clearly if they were going to say something they would have, and should have.

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