Never Forget 9/11/01

Dear Friends

As I once again resurrect my post from prior years I have one request. Please don't ever forget!

I'm sure we all remember the sense of belonging we all felt the days and
weeks following that terrible day. That strong sense of belonging
existed because we had a common cause, a common purpose of healing.
Unfortunately, that sense of community lasted only a short time. I am a firm believer that if we can find a common purpose to focus on we can enjoy that same sense of community and belonging without the need of a tragedy to bring us together. Let's make the welfare of our community and its members that common purpose.

Please take a moment today (or tomorrow, or the next day, or any/every day) and do something for our community. Whether it's picking up a pieceof litter, helping someone in need, giving a smile to a stranger, or performing any act of community activism will help us toward that commonpurpose.

We lost a family member of 9/11 (I miss you buddy!!) and we will never forget how our friends, neighbors and even complete strangers rallied around us to help us deal with our grief. It is something that we will
never forget. In fact, it made me realized that we all have a responsibility to look out for each other and to focus on the well beingof each other.

My family misses TJ (my BIL) more than I can put into words (and as always the anniversary is hitting us hard). For all those that we lost (and unfortunately continue to lose as a result of the events on that day), please remember that sense of community that was felt in the aftermath and be kind to one another.

And lastly, my wife Jeanmarie (TJ's sister) participated in a recent MOTH project about people affected by 9/11 and here is her brave performance...


Tom Kerns

Rest in peace, TJ. Your family's words and actions honor your life.

What a lovely tribute, Tom! Thank you for sharing this and for your words of wisdom to help us make meaning out of the chaos and tragedy of that day

At peace. Lovely Paul, found in February 2012, in revolving doors of the south tower along with three civilians he was helping escape, he is so treasured and missed every day.

My sympathies to all who lost someone they loved. So much changed for our generation 14 years ago.

Most of my 9th graders were 3 years old in 2001. We do a multi-day research project because most know almost nothing about what happened that day. This has prompted many of them to have conversations with the adults in their lives about 9/11, although I do caution them that not everyone wants to talk about it.

I warn them in advance that I will be emotional, but that I feel its important that we discuss 9/11 - in part because of a promise I made to a student whose father was killed. At the end of first period, one of the boys said to me "thank you for doing this, I know its a difficult day for you."

Thank you Tom. Thinking of Jeanmarie and your family today.

Thank you for starting this thread Tom. Blessings to you and the family.

Also remembering two Maplewood residents, Douglas Cherry and Kirsten Christophe, who never returned to Maplewood on 9/11.

About Douglas Cherry:

About Kirsten Christophe:

I don't think anyone will forget.

Remembering my home town and the Towers that I once worked in. A thank you to all of the brave rescuers who came to my city's aid.

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