Need a giggle? Response to Alex Jones on Twitter. #secondcivilwarletters

As you may have heard Alex Jones claims the left is launching a second Civil War on July 4th. The response is giggleworthy.

A sample

Dear Beloved, The Trunts have ambushed the Whole Foods parking lot. All hope is not lost for they cannot find parking, and are driving their magat trucks endlessly in circles. We have hunkered down with our rations of Kombucha and await their impatience.

My Dear John,
The war isn't going as planned. Our supply trucks are limited. I'm out of wine and sunscreen. The enemy burned all the books and there is no place to recharge my Kindle. The only music is an old CD of Justin Bieber. - All is lost.

Dearest One,
Have you been receiving my paychecks from Soros? HQ assured me that you'd get them in the mail, provided USPS remains a public service.
Alas, I cannot tell you of my top secret deep state missions. Suffice to say that spray tan will be scarce.

My Love,
Have joined General Maddow in NYC. The Battle of Trump Tower was short-lived as we had intel from bugged microwaves Zabar’s keeps us fed, the knishes, oy! Melania fled to Russia as expected but left tax returns
Send more WA edibles.

The whole premise is wrong. Clearly the next war will be very "uncivil".

-My apologies.

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