Missing the Farmer's Market - Introducing Farmigo!

Seth Boyden School has begun collaborating with Farmigo, an online farmers market, which will deliver farm-fresh produce and goods to our neighborhood. Farmigo allows you to shop for local produce, dairy, meat, fish, and pantry items online, buying directly from the farmers. Even better, 10% of the sales will be donated directly to Seth Boyden to fund initiatives for our children.

Farmigo is flexible, to work with all of our schedules. Order whatever you want! There's no commitment, no minimum order, and no delivery fees, and the quality is guaranteed with a 100% money-back policy if you're left unsatisfied.

If you’re interested, all you need to do is sign up at www.farmigo.com/sethboydenelementary and place your first order by Thursday, January 22nd at midnight. The first pick-up will be the following Monday, January 26th and you’ll be able to pick up your bag at a local address from 4 pm - 6 pm. Every Monday thereafter, just head to the same place at the same time to get your order.

This is a really wonderful opportunity to bring delicious, local farm produce to our school year-round, and support the school and small farmers. If you have any questions, please let us know!

For your first order, enter coupon code FARMIGO40 and receive 40% off your first order! And right now their best sellers box is 20% off.

Note, even though it says it's for Seth Boyden, anyone local can participate


This is a wonderful venture ..I applaud your efforts ..it is reasonable and possible to eat fresh all year long !
Will check this out ...
Interesting enough Princeton does a variation of this but in the winter months it only happens once a month...do hope this works !

This looks like a great opportunity! I will also be checking this out.

Sounds like a very cool idea.

I do hope that some consideration for SB families will be made ..pricing is high on the site .
Discounts though are offered as needed by the site itself in conjunction with the school / community that sponsors the pick ups.

Went to site as soon as i saw post, love farmers market. I agree, pricing is high vs farmer's market. They do have some interesting items not available locally. I may try it, but repeat requires reasonable pricing. They have less cost involved, no store or fee involved, not sure cost driver for higher prices than farmer's market? I will try it, but at these prices, its not a weekly thing.

Wow, it's a great idea but pricing is very expensive.

truegrid said:

Went to site as soon as i saw post, love farmers market. I agree, pricing is high vs farmer's market. They do have some interesting items not available locally. I may try it, but repeat requires reasonable pricing. They have less cost involved, no store or fee involved, not sure cost driver for higher prices than farmer's market? I will try it, but at these prices, its not a weekly thing.

That's what I like about it, it doesn't have to be a weekly thing....no minimum on orders. I've always wanted to try one of those co op things but was scared about getting too much stuff I didn't want. I think there are some interesting things (one of the things I ordered was the ginger dressing) that I can't find elsewhere. They seem to always be adding new products, vendors, etc. I agree some items are pricey, but other things are definitely in line with farmers market prices. But I think the test for me will be taste, freshness, etc. if it's worth it, I'll continue. I figured with the 40% off first purchase it's worth a try.

Sounds good, and yes, the first one is worth a go at 40% off

OK so based on the discount I tried a few specialty items I wouldn't normally find around here (however, several items I would have wanted to buy were no longer available). Also disappointed that there wasn't a better selection of veggies other than all the different versions of kale and root veggies. Hopefully in the summer months there will be more variety.

@mamabear: Is this order going through? I never got a confirmation from them that we had enough people, and tomorrow (in the blizzard???) is supposed to be the pick-up day.

I was very happy with my order (winter's best and bestsellers pack). The bread, apple, and deli meat were delicious and I am excited to roast some vegetables and make a soup with the greens soon.

I really like that the orders are sorted into bags and labeled so the pickup house is not stuck with this chore as with some other similar options.

I just placed an order and am very much looking forward to picking it up next week!

A shame the pickup time makes this impossible for those of us who work.

@frank if you are really interested you can email the coordinator and she can probably arrange for something. I'm pretty sure she was able to help out a couple of people in the same situation.

Btw, I'm sitting here typing this while I eat my challah French toast that I made with my Farmigo challah and Farmigo eggs. On the menu for tonight beet and kale risotto (made with you guessed it...Farmigo beets and kale)

Good to know. Thanks, mamabear.

I would like to bump this thread back up to hear what foods people have been particularly fond of. For me, the breads (Brioche, Sourdough) and sausages have been the biggest winners with apples as a close second. I agree that some items are higher priced than ShopRite or TJ's (my 2 go to stores) but I have dealt with this by just decreasing some of my portions (e.g., 1/2 sausage instead of a whole one). I'm excited to try the soda bread and pretzels in my next order.

We've been getting deliveries from south orange and love the apples as well. Yesterday they were so big- the size of the grapefruit! Also, the sweet potatoes, arugula, watermelon radishes, Parker house rolls, burrata, ground beef have been hits. The food is so fresh and we agree that even though some items are more expensive, they taste better and we have been buying less and wasting less.

I too have been ordering every week, and I'm hooked. The eggs are so fresh, love them. We go through 2 orders of apples a week, this week I'm trying the Mutsu apples. The ginger dressing was yum. Loved the honey. Salsa is very good but spicy. I just started ordering the meat, and I agree with istudymemory, that chicken apple sausage is really good. I've also thought the ground turkey has a lot of flavor. As a reminder here's the link, pick up in Maplewood and benefits Seth Boyden


mamabear said:

I just started ordering the meat, and I agree with istudymemory, that chicken apple sausage is really good.

Oh, I have only tried the sweet Italian and the lemongrass ginger. Maybe that one should be next.

I'm bumping this back up because the grapes and peaches this week were delicious. So was the cauliflower and the apples last week and the granola and pretty much everything I've tried. Yes, some things cost a little more than at my regular store but I also do less impulse buying so am pretty sure my grocery bill is down as is my food waste.

I'm still addicted as well... Just served the filet at a dinner the other night. It was delish. Can't wait for brussel sprout season

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