Meet the TC candidates

"I ask you to remember that Democracy is a very bad form of government

 but all the others are so much worse"

author said:
"I ask you to remember that Democracy is a very bad form of government
 but all the others are so much worse"

 Nice, had to check, Churchill right?

Morganna said:

author said:
"I ask you to remember that Democracy is a very bad form of government
 but all the others are so much worse"
 Nice, had to check, Churchill right?

 Actually there was an old TV series about the California State Legislature staring Richard Crenna as the good guy/politician.  This was quoted at the lead in to every show.   Show was called Slattery's People.  Inspiring to the the JFK years.

I think you would have to go back to the Ancients to find a quote some what similar.

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Not saying that the Ancients didn't influence him.

Morganna said:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” ― Winston S. Churchill
Not saying that the Ancients didn't influence him.

 Winny was ancient the day after he was born.  Unlike the Third Reich,  he will be remembered a thousand years from now.

Remember tomorrow.....106 Burnett Avenue.    7;30 PM

TC Candidates will be there.  With luck there will be coffee.

Remind them they work for you.

author said:

Morganna said:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” ― Winston S. Churchill
Not saying that the Ancients didn't influence him.
 Winny was ancient the day after he was born.  Unlike the Third Reich,  he will be remembered a thousand years from now.

 For the millions of Indians he purposefully starved to death no doubt...

Hello everyone! 

The election is coming soon and believe it or not, I (Ileana Castillo) am still running for TC as independent.

I have done a very low key campaign which I am doing all by myself. I’ve learn a lot but it’s been tough. 

If anyone would like to meet me please feel free to do so. I am very open and always love to hear from the community. Also, if anyone would like a lawn sign (I got them yesterday yay), messsge me and I’ll happily drop them off and install it for you wink 

Thank you !! 

Hi everyone, 

Please take a moment and read this article I send to VG. You will learn many facts and background about me, also my platform. ☺️ I know some of you were curious or wanted to know. Thank you !

I am voting for Ileana, mainly because I can't stand the monopoly that the Dem Party has on our TC elections.  The de facto election takes place each year amongst the committee members.  If an independent wants to drop $30,000 - $50,000 they might have a chance. IMHO, spending that amount of money on a local election is obscene. 

I have said forever that the strength of our governments from National to local is our systems of checks and balances.   How is there any check to a one party governing body?

The Maplewood Republicans recognized the futility of even running a candidate for this TC election.

There is only one remedy to this situation............if an independent is what is available to restore balance to our TC...........and I suspect offer  a breath of fresh air.......than that is the way to vote

Ileana Castillo for Township Committee.  Give yourself an early holiday present.

These last two posts are emblematic of how someone like Trump got elected.  

I guess some people have never heard of Primaries.

After posting the above I remembered that one of the Candidates running for re-election, Lembrick, got on the TC by defeating the "official" Democratic candidate in a Primary.  

LOST said:
I guess some people have never heard of Primaries.
After posting the above I remembered that one of the Candidates running for re-election, Lembrick, got on the TC by defeating the "official" Democratic candidate in a Primary.  

 Who did Lembrich defeated ?? 

HarleyQuinn said:

LOST said:
I guess some people have never heard of Primaries.
After posting the above I remembered that one of the Candidates running for re-election, Lembrick, got on the TC by defeating the "official" Democratic candidate in a Primary.  
 Who did Lembrich defeated ?? 

 I think Ryan

lord_pabulum said:

HarleyQuinn said:

LOST said:
I guess some people have never heard of Primaries.
After posting the above I remembered that one of the Candidates running for re-election, Lembrick, got on the TC by defeating the "official" Democratic candidate in a Primary.  
 Who did Lembrich defeated ?? 
 I think Ryan

 Thank you !! Even thou Lembrich defeated Ryan he was still representing the democrat party correct ?? 

Steve said:
These last two posts are emblematic of how someone like Trump got elected.  

 For the record I am NOT affiliated to neither party. I define myself as an independent. I’m just a resident just like you, who simply wants to work for the community. I don’t like to see residents that feel they don’t have a voice on the TC since they don’t feel welcome by them because of there political view (republica, centrist etc etc). Many have accused me of being a Republican in disguise simply because they have seen me talk to a few republicans in town. So ?? They are my friends like I have Democrat’s friends too. I really want to be a voice for the others. We are all part of this community and no one should feel left out. Their should definitely be a little bit balance at the TC. 

Voting for someone simply because he/she is an outsider/other is why we are where we are.  People just want to blow stuff up.  Rather, people should vote FOR people based upon the candidate's positions.

The two posters to whom I referred said that they were voting for you as a "check and balance" without suggesting that the incumbent members were not adequately representing the best interests of the town and the other because of the Democratic Party "monopoly."  

The right answer is to get involved rather than just vote for someone who is "different" without identifying an actual reason to vote for that person based upon what he/she states as positions.

Steve said:
Voting for someone simply because he/she is an outsider/other is why we are where we are.  People just want to blow stuff up.  Rather, people should vote FOR people based upon the candidate's positions.
The two posters to whom I referred said that they were voting for you as a "check and balance" without suggesting that the incumbent members were not adequately representing the best interests of the town and the other because of the Democratic Party "monopoly."  

The right answer is to get involved rather than just vote for someone who is "different" without identifying an actual reason to vote for that person based upon what he/she states as positions.

 It goes both ways. I’ve met people that will vote for the candidates re-electing themselves simply because they are democrats. And they have no shame in admiting it. They don’t even want to listen what I have to say because I am NOT a Democrat. Instead they say negative things about me which are not true. I’ve had Democrat committee come up to me and said in my face, I will lose because this is a Democrat town. So you tell me are people really voting for the candidates position ?? 

Maybe people are satisfied with the current members?  Maybe people are in a state of mind now that voting for someone who is willing to associate him/herself with the current administration and Congressional leadership is patently unworthy of his/her vote.  Maybe people simply take cues from a candidate's decision as to which party he/she chooses to affiliate.

Steve said:
Maybe people are satisfied with the current members?  Maybe people are in a state of mind now that voting for someone who is willing to associate him/herself with the current administration and Congressional leadership is patently unworthy of his/her vote.  Maybe people simply take cues from a candidate's decision as to which party he/she chooses to affiliate.

 Or maybe they are scared of change ?? 

I don’t know if residents are satisfied with the current TC, i can’t speak for them. But, from I’ve seen they sure have MANY questions/inquiries of what is going on or are dissatisfied with many issues the the Town currently has. 

And again, I am not affiliated to no one. 

 Who did Lembrich defeated ?? 
 I think Ryan
 Thank you !! Even thou Lembrich defeated Ryan he was still representing the democrat party correct ?? 

 Yes, I believe so

HarleyQuinn said:

Or maybe they are scared of change ?? 

I think that this is a stretch and not supported by any facts.  In any event, given what has transpired in the past 20 months, would that be irrational?


Steve said:

HarleyQuinn said:
Or maybe they are scared of change ?? 
I think that this is a stretch and not supported by any facts.  In any event, given what has transpired in the past 20 months, would that be irrational?

 Why is change bad ?? One person in TC that doesn’t belong to the Democrat party (or any) can’t be that bad right ?? After all the Democrats have the mayority of the seats. 

I think it would be good to have that one person who could see things in a different perspective ?? The resident might like it or even the TC !! You never know  wink 

At least the resident have an option. 

Steve said:
These last two posts are emblematic of how someone like Trump got elected.  

 Not even close.   The guy  was the underdog and he knew it.   He would make three campaign stops a day where as the other one would make one and go home and take a nap.

There were a few times the condition of her health came into question.   Who makes a public appearance while suffering from pneumonia?   And who then motorcades to her daughters apartment after nearly collapsing?

rather than a hospital.   My daughter is a doctor actually head of her department but I would certainly make a bee line for a hospital.

The Republicans  knew the ultimate winner needs take the votes if the Electoral College.

No one told all those vaunted advisers

She read and believed her own press clippings.............he did not

The only elections in which she participated and won before were cake walks.

Not this one

HarleyQuinn said:

 Why is change bad ?? One person in TC that doesn’t belong to the Democrat party (or any) can’t be that bad right ?? After all the Democrats have the mayority of the seats. 

I think it would be good to have that one person who could see things in a different perspective ?? The resident might like it or even the TC !! You never know  wink 
At least the resident have an option. 

Assume that the "change" is Trump (or any other toxic personality). If that "different perspective" were that of a white supremacist would that be "good?"  

Are party labels really necessary at the township level? 

Local issues have virtually nothing to do with the national party platforms. 

Steve said:

HarleyQuinn said:
 Why is change bad ?? One person in TC that doesn’t belong to the Democrat party (or any) can’t be that bad right ?? After all the Democrats have the mayority of the seats. 

I think it would be good to have that one person who could see things in a different perspective ?? The resident might like it or even the TC !! You never know  wink 
At least the resident have an option. 
Assume that the "change" is Trump (or any other toxic personality). If that "different perspective" were that of a white supremacist would that be "good?"  

 Steve ........since you continually bring up Trump...........if I did not know better I would swear you were preparing to vote in the Presidential election again rather than the Township Committee election in little old Maplewood.  Maybe we should look into the Electoral Collage system.  We could even have our own Super Delegates to give an edge to the favored ones and help screw the outsiders.

HarleyQuinn said:

lord_pabulum said:

HarleyQuinn said:

LOST said:
I guess some people have never heard of Primaries.
After posting the above I remembered that one of the Candidates running for re-election, Lembrick, got on the TC by defeating the "official" Democratic candidate in a Primary.  
 Who did Lembrich defeated ?? 
 I think Ryan
 Thank you !! Even thou Lembrich defeated Ryan he was still representing the democrat party correct ?? 

 No. First of all, "Democratic" Party is the correct name.

The Democratic Committee endorsed Ryan. Lembrich launched a Primary challenge, which means he obtained enough signatures to get on the ballot. ( I guess you had to do the same).  Once he defeated Ryan he became the Democratic Candidate. So I guess in some sense he was "representing" the Democratic Candidate but he was actually just a citizen seeking election on his own individual merits.

Because of the National policies of the Republican Party it's label has become toxic in Maplewood.

You have chosen to be an Independent. What is it about the Democratic or Republican Parties that you don't like?

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