Maplewood to JFK

I'm looking for transportation options to get from Maplewood to JFK to make a 7 a.m. international flight on a Sunday morning. Need to be at the airport at 5 a.m. Anyone have particular experiences with reliable car services? Other suggestions?  

Is it a short trip? For a 5 day trip I drove to JFK, parked in the long term parking, took the shuttle to the airport, flew out came back, took the shuttle, picked up car, drove home.  It was seamless, my flight out was at 8am, i left Orange at 5.00am and I had cleared security by 6.30. $95 incl tax for parking. I recommend it for ease. 

Trip is about a week.  I'm seriously considering driving, but checking out other options.  I guess the shuttle runs 24/7 and often?

They run very often. Not sure about the 27-7 hours, you can check online. We left the garage within 3 minutes of my arrival with only 3 other passengers. On return, you call them on your way to baggage claim, by the time you get your bag the shuttle will be there or very close and your car warmed up and pulled up front at the garage. Way too easy. Choose the long term parking over the JFK terminal parking which costs much more for no discernible reason. I can't see an uber or car service being cheaper. 

annettedepalma said:

Trip is about a week.  I'm seriously considering driving, but checking out other options.  I guess the shuttle runs 24/7 and often?

Uber.  And at 4:00 AM there will not be too much traffic. 

if I look now, it's about $100 and takes 50 minutes.  

How many people, and how much luggage?

ElizMcCord  - did you use actual JFK airport parking or one of the off site lots? If off site which one? Thank you.

rhw said:

ElizMcCord  - did you use actual JFK airport parking or one of the off site lots? If off site which one? Thank you.

I used an offsite one. It was last year,  I can't remember the name but it had really good reviews. It was either ParkingSpot or SmartPark.  I didn't make a reservation, but they suggest you do in case you travel at a busy time. I went in the middle of May. 

tomcat said:

How many people, and how much luggage?

3 maybe 4 with luggage.  

More than my vehicle can handle.

Thanks all for the suggestions!

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