Maplewood Is In the Final Round for Best Downtown - Vote Maplewood Again for #1

We did it!

We’re in the final round, up against Morristown, in the Downtown Showdown.

You need to vote again before noon September 28th to make sure we win as the Best Downtown in NJ.

Please tell your family, friends and neighbors to vote for Maplewood Village.

Thanks for all your support. We need it again. Let’s go Maplewood.

Mayor Vic De Luca

P.S. I was asked by the NJ Monthly editor why Maplewood is “deserving to be crowned the ultimate winner of Downtown Showdown and what makes Maplewood unique compared to Morristown?”

Here’s what I said:
Anyone coming into our downtown can see its uniqueness right away - a winding roadway with a 15 MPH speed limit and no traffic lights, free parking throughout, and a blend of family owned shops and services. Maplewood Village has a European feel and we are just 35 minutes by train from New York City. We have more than 20 food establishments, including a top 25 restaurant; a supermarket that people actually walk to; a classic movie theater; a performing arts center; and an Olmstead designed park that is the site of festivals and concerts. Our downtown is off the main drag and we like it like that. It's walkable and a comfortable place to sit and watch the world go by. Maplewood Village is easily our favorite and its charm and specialness should make it a winner in the Downtown Showdown.





Morristown has a Century21, but other than that, I'm not sure what the competition is. smile

Voted and shared on Facebook.

Voted on both my work PC and my iPhone, and ready to do the same on my home PC, and every other iDevice that we have at my house.

On my iPhone, I can keep refreshing and voting again... I don't get that error about already voting once..

All the voting and re-voting and voting from different pcs and phones is nothing to be proud of. Winning under such circumstances isn't really winning.

JLJohn said:
All the voting and re-voting and voting from different pcs and phones is nothing to be proud of. Winning under such circumstances isn't really winning.

You make it sound almost like this a contest with any real meaning or integrity, rather than the publicity stunt that it is.

at this point i think we'd beat London too.

So the winner will just be the town with the nuttier residents.

orzabelle said:
So the winner will just be the town with the nuttier residents.

In that case I think we have it in the bag.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying: Vic De Luca is the real Social Media Mayor

so we won. whoopee.... now what??

Now Kings pays its advertising bill.

bpod said:
On my iPhone, I can keep refreshing and voting again... I don't get that error about already voting once..

I voted from my phone two days in a row (at the time I had a brain fart and thought you were allowed to vote once per day) and I got the message about multiple votes being disabled. I don't understand how you are able to do that. And what do you mean by "refresh."

ETA: I just tried it again and I got the error message. When I submit the vote Ihave to scroll down to the bottom to see the message, it doesn't come up automatically on my phone.

I've been voting every week and increasingly excited!

Go Maplewood, you sure deserve it!

Voted from several email addresses, no problem.

Look at what those goons are saying about us behind out backs:


memorial said:
Look at what those goons are saying about us behind out backs:


Does anyone actually participate in morristown online? It looks like all the threads are MOL. I clicked on the Mostly Morristown category, and there was one recent thread, with two posts, and the last entry one year ago.

I vote daily. You can, too.


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