Maplewood Halloween Parade pics

I'll post more later - here's a few highlights.

These guys showed up a little late - otherwise I think they would have been contenders,

This is when we really need a LIKE button on MOL!

Lord Vader was a major HIT this afternoon, especially with the Best Dad Ever on the back with the highly annoying family figures all lined up, that we've all come to "deal with" in our daily driving for a few years. I still wonder why anyone would, in this day and age, announce to the world their family makeup (how many people), but hey, that's just me. More pics to follow....

DEFCON_Creator said:
Lord Vader was a major HIT this afternoon, especially with the Best Dad Ever on the back with the highly annoying family figures all lined up, that we've all come to "deal with" in our daily driving for a few years. I still wonder why anyone would, in this day and age, announce to the world their family makeup (how many people), but hey, that's just me. More pics to follow....

I'm with you on all counts!

Abe Lincoln was dancing up a storm at the end.

Top in Cutest category:

Other winners - first one is Jamie Ross - yes, there are 2 Jamie Ross's in this town.

More of the Defcon Family and Family Circus

Nice! Thanks for sharing

Ditto, what Marylago wrote

Sanders - fixed rotation below

Oh these are incredible!

deborahg said:
Oh these are incredible!

I wasn't there.

Never knew that Harry was a Bernie supporter. LOL

Thanks for posting! I wasn't able to make it back in time this year, so it's fun to be able to see these. grin

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