Maplewood considering subcontracting out Animal Control, meeting on January 6th at 7pm

Maplewood is considering subcontracting out the Animal Control position. If this goes through the town will no longer have a animal control person on call, but will rather use Associated Humane Society in Newark. I don't know the reason for this, but will hazard a guess that it is being done for budget reasons.

There is a township committee meeting on January 6th at 7pm if anyone is interested in voicing their opinions, pro or con, to the town on this matter.

Is the position currently filled? Maybe it is vacant and thus an opportune time to make a change without putting someone out of work.

Red_Barchetta said:

Is the position currently filled? Maybe it is vacant and thus an opportune time to make a change without putting someone out of work.
My understanding is that the position is currently filled but that the employee will be let go and it will then be subcontracted out.

Meeting starts at 7:30 pm. It is televised on Comcast and FIOS for those who want to watch the meeting from home. Meeting should also be available on line through the town's website shortly after the meeting is held.

If you stay home to watch the TC meeting, you will not have an input. It is best to be at the meeting. There are two periods for public comment: at the start and at the end of the meeting.
Today both Vic and India made a big deal about the cat ordinance at their induction meeting, to me it seems incongruent with the decision to let go of the animal control officer. Does anyone know how these two policies will work together? catch, spay, release, catch, shelter, euthanize?

@copihue makes an excellent point.

They--who?--designated to represent us, taxpayers, will be doing this, why?
Budgetary, party, "humanitarian" reasons?

Transparency and representation, please?

There is no doubt in my mind that hiring a subcontractor to round up loose animals in the Maplewood streets, housing them in a shelter for a week or two, and then killing them is less expensive than having an animal control officer catch the animal before it gets hit by a car, who catches the offending dog/cat and looks up the record to find its owner, or who knows who the habitual runaway is and calls the owner at work to come get him/her, who takes traps to locations where there is wildlife that is annoying humans and then releases the animals in the reservation, who immediately cleans up dead animals, so that you and your children don't have to look at the guts spilled all over the pavement as you take your children to the park or walk to catch the train instead of waiting for the county to come late in the week, who gives you the bad news that your baby just bit the dust, that all of this is more expensive than the cold and expedient killing machine. OK. But is that what we want?

This is not one less person at DPW, one less person at the library, it is the only person who performs these duties with the love of someone who lives in our community and who cares about animals who would be gone and the services for the most part would be gone too.

I believe that we need to find other solutions to the problem which was created by the JAC's negligence. There are other rescue organizations out there, can't we find one that can take over what the JAC was supposed to be doing?

Animal control is important, I don't disagree with that. Associated Humane won't come out unless the animal is contained, whereas the ACO was often chasing down loose animals who otherwise would remain loose and risk injury or death by starvation or automobile. That said, I don't believe the outsourcing has anything to do with the JAC situation. Where to hold found animals is separate than who picks them up. Also, the PD has a list of all licensed animals at the HQ and can look up animals providing that the animal is licensed and is wearing its collar when found.

And please don't belittle the massive loss of manpower in other departments and the effect that has on the town. DPW does a lot of hard work to keep the nuts and bolts of our town running. When they are cut to the bone as they have been for a few years now people notice and complain. Loudly. And look at the tree department, dead and dying trees waiting to be taken down are a safety issue. DPW does a lot more than just pick up litter in the parks.

I say that the loss of the animal control officer is related to the JAC, because I spoke to Larrier, Deluca and Bob Roe this afternoon and they told me that the JAC was the reason that this decision is being contemplated at this time.
I never said that DPW was not important, that the trees are not important. I said that if we get rid of one employee in the library, DPW and the police department -- areas where there have also been cuts in personnel -- we are not decimating the department and the service. The loss of the animal control officer will end the humane services to which we are used to in this town. Gone. Finished. That is what I meant and what I said.

Copihue said:

There are other rescue organizations out there, can't we find one that can take over what the JAC was supposed to be doing?

The JAC was deeply involved in animal control. They worked closely with the M/SO ACOs as well as ACOs from neighboring towns. They sent staff out to chase down runaway dogs. They took in all the strays brought in by animal control and worked hard to track down owners, reuniting any number of pets with their families. I was there in person for a dozen or more such reunions just in my limited time there. They did all this with zero municipal funding beyond the use of the land upon which they built their shelter (which they paid for themselves).

It was never part of the agreement for them to accept every animal brought to their door by anyone. All private animal shelters, including St. Hubert's and Mount Pleasant, pick and choose which animals to accept.

What are you saying they should have been doing (in regards to animal control) that they didn't do? And how do you propose finding a group that's also willing to do it for free?

kthnry, I really don't want to rehash that controversy. Enough has been said; it is over, and now we have to move on. I know that you care deeply about animals, and I would love for you to join me on Tuesday.

I sat here silently during page after page of JAC-bashing. I feel perfectly entitled to speak up occasionally to present my view of a situation and to correct inaccuracies. Are the people who accused the JAC of being behind the recent phone calls going to apologize? Or is it a one-way street and only people who want to attack the JAC get to participate?

There was never any discussion of the JAC's role vis-a-vis the M/SO ACOs and other animal control functions, and there was also no discussion of how animal control would work after the JAC closed. When I tried to raise the subject, I got attacked.

I wonder if Debbie is being let go because Maplewood is now having to pay Newark for animal control services that it previously got for free from the JAC. I wonder if M and SO had contributed something to the JAC, maybe the JAC could have overcome some of its issues.

What should SOMA have paid for the placement of diseased animals into private homes and refusal to accept local strays (my family's personal experience)???

Bottom line is that we need an animal shelter until such time as more local arrangements can be made, if they can be made. That is what seems to be driving this discussion.

My guess [not based on any hard facts] is that the town went to renew the present agreement with Associated Humane and were presented by Associated Humane with an alternative arrangement where by for a set cost Associated Humane would provide AC services to Maplewood. It is even possible that Associated Humane would not be willing to continue the per animal agreement they had with the town. This is likely what is going to be discussed on Tuesday. As far as Debbie is concerned, it is possible [though I don't know how likely] for an agreement with Associated Humane to include a provision that Debbie be kept on in her present role either as an employee of the town "on loan" to Associated Humane or as Associated Humane's employee with duties specified in the agreement.

My comment regarding the meeting being televised is directed at those who are either deeply interested but unable to attend the meeting in person or who have a lesser interest but want to keep informed on how this matter is evolving. For the first group, there is the option of sending e-mails/makling phone calls to the TC members prior to the meeting in which the writer's position is made clear and/or questions/concerns are asked. For the second group there is the option of listening to the discussion from home and then heading down to town hall for the second discussion period and speaking out then. Thrust here is to keep as many of us informed on this issue as possible.

I didn't want to talk about the JAC, but I see that I must. I never meant to imply that the JAC did not take care of animals who were loose on the street, although I did hear many, many comments about their unwillingness to take cats. Bravo to the JAC, OK? However, because they angered many folks like me, they lost their ability to continue in business. Now the town must make other arrangements.
Can we go on now? Are you satisfied?

OK, this topic is even more incindiary than a discussion about property taxes #:-s So, I have decided not to distribute flyers at Kings this weekend, because it may get more people upset, and we don't have the facts yet. I am going to try to get as many facts as I can before Tuesday's meeting, and at that time I along with anyone who wants to join me can ask the Township Committee what their thinking is. What is being proposed? and at what cost? I understand that Debbie is the only animal rehabilitator in Essex County, so what will happen if she is gone to the little wildlife that there is in town? I have a fox living in my back yard as well as an opossum, ground hogs and deer. The red fox's mate got killed on Valley, they hunt in packs, so I am afraid that she/he may starve cool hmm

Does Debbie work 24x7? What currently happens in those large windows when she is not working?

She may be on call in some situations. I have seen the animal control truck parked in front of her house during non-standard business hours on more than one occassion.

Maplewood needs an Animal Control Officer, no doubt about it. Just because we don't have a local shelter anymore does not mean we don't need a local ACO. If I see a potentially dangerous animal in my back yard will I have to call Newark and wait 24 hours? I definitely plan to go to the meeting.

I just heard that the Linden Shelter is now officially closed and Newark Humane is now their ACO.
That makes:Linden, Winfield Pk,Rahway,Roselle,Clark,Fanwood,and of course Newark itself. And now it looks as if we can add Maplewood and possibly S Orange as well.
How can Newark AHS possibly provide satisfactory conditions for all these additional towns?

Linden Shelter closes, all Animal Control duties will now be handled by Newark Humane Shelter. More towns now using Newark will be Linden, Winfield Pk, Rahway, Roselle, Clark and Fanwood. How can one shelter accommodate so many towns and provide adequate services for the communities and animals? :-( :-(
Also as an informational note to a comment above, the Towns contributed over $250,000 to the shelter "they built" in South Orange.

Let's not get into the JAC discussion. question

The JAC discussion is appropriate here since its closing is what lead to the exploration of how to handle Maplewood's [and likely South Orange's] animal control and shelter needs going forward. Associated Humane morphing into a regional animal control/shelter provider is also appropriate to this discussion. The degree to which they have/need to expand their facilities and human resources to cope with the additional work load resulting from their possibly taking over these functions for so many additonal towns at once points directly to their ability to provide services for each of the participating municipalities, including Maplewood, going forward.

I stand corrected. Perhaps Debbie could take care of the needs of Maplewood and South Orange oh oh In case you haven't noticed, I love Debbie. She is the best animal control officer any town could possibly ever wish for.
:-D Ooh oh

100% agreed to Copihue's remarks about Debbie. she is great. It would be a real loss to lose her

Newark also has the town next to it. Debbie was told by the asset administration and Bob roe it would be best if she doesn't go to the meeting on Tuesday they also said the committee does not know what's going on. She will not work for Newark because of the way they treat animals Newark does not hold aNy type of wildlife license in other words wildlife once trap and put in the truck no matter what they tell you can be killed. She will be going to that meeting as of today a I house email went out to everyone they sign a contract with Newark but didn't fired her just yet in the email if you lose you pet you will have to go to Newark and pay to get it back also the call time for Newark to show up is 45 min now that poor raccoon with the jar stuck on his head Newark never came she arrived right after surgery and took care of the raccoon n free it there was no way this animal would had made it to with lack of air just think about that being our dog or our cat that was just hit that's a long wait period that's if they even show. She was told they hired Newark for month to month from Bob roe but the administration said call to call either way they will make a salary


rescueme: From what you wrote above, it appears that none of this is a done deal yet. Let's see what happens on Tuesday.

It sounds as if the TC has not made a final determination, and they had to act in order to handle the stray animals that we have. That's great. They will be looking for ideas, there probably aren't any easy solutions.
I am delighted to hear that they didn't let go of Debbe; that's great news. It sounds as if you are her friend, so please tell her that I think that it is a good idea for her to stay home on Tuesday night. I don't think this is about her, but about solving a problem, and her life is tied in the middle of the it. It would be difficult for anyone to listen to one's passion and life's work being decided with not much say. A safe idea is to watch it in the privacy of her own home.

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