LSAT prep class

any recommendations?

I took Kaplan (on the SO Seton Hall campus) 6 years ago. It did a good job of preparing me for the LSAT. It's a very "teachable" exam. I did better on the Kaplan practice exams than on the actual LSAT, but it was enough to get me into a good law school.

Reviving this question. Any recommendations and/or comments on local LSAT prep courses?

Don't do it! Think long and hard before going to law school. Have you done any research into what the life of a lawyer is these days?

Just looking for advice on prep courses...

As a lawyer, I agree that a person should think LONG AND HARD about whether they want the law to be their profession, and also about how they intend to forge a career in the law. It's sadly way-over-saturated. I was fortunate enough to start my own solo practice and, thus far, I'm holding my own. But it's extremely difficult. No matter how hard you "hustle" for new clients, and no matter how impressive and respectable your professional connections, it's still a very hard profession to succeed at--at least as a solo practitioner.

That said, if a person truly is passionate about the law, I think it's a noble profession with a lot of wonderful, supportive members already in the profession, and so if a person truly, seriously, wants to be a lawyer they will probably find an avenue to success if they try hard.

Imho, Princeton Review was a waste of time and money.

Does anyone have experience with the Kaplan LSAT prep at Seton Hall?

Does anyone have experience with the Kaplan LSAT prep at Seton Hall?

Does anyone have experience with the Kaplan LSAT prep at Seton Hall?

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