oh no!!! My Joey !! He is such a hidey cat. Are you sure he is not somewhere in the house?
I saw an orange cat on the ditch next to path that goes behind jeff scool. It was close to woodland. Around 11:00 am. Cute kitty. Skittish, though didnt seem that fat.
@LL_ I'm positive he's not inside. We'll try early tomorrow morning with canned food and calling him.
srp Thanks--will look there. Although he is definitely very fat. But maybe...
Oh, good news! He was trapped under our porch. Our lattice worked as a one-way cat trap. He's inside and has been fed and hugged and is none the worse for wear.
yeah!!!!!! So glad. Change the thread title to spread the good news (if we can do that yet).
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Please keep an eye out for our cat, Joey, who disappeared sometime last evening from the corner of Maplewood Ave. and Durand Rd. He is an indoor kitty and skittish, and doesn't wear a collar. He's a very fat, round ginger kitty. Thank you! (Cross-posted.)