She is a black beagle mix who is very old. She is wearing a red collar. If you see her please call Chris at 917-618-3943

Thank you!

In what neighborhood did she go missing? 

On the South Orange/Maplewood border (Lenox Terrace off Wyoming).

Maybe post some pictures of your girl in your neighborhood. Hope you find her.

I know someone probably connected you already, but there was a posting about a dog that looks like Roma on SOMA lounge.

We live on Lenox Ter and my wife saw a dog running loose on Thursday afternoon - 3:30 - likely this one. She followed it but it gave her the slip and went behind 370 Lenox Ave.

Probably not her as she got out Saturday night but I hope you spot her.

Spoke to my wife - the dog she saw was tan. We'll keep an eye out.

I've been driving around and still no sight of her. I hope she is getting water from sprinklers and staying cool.

Maybe she will come out in the rain. Please be on the lookout for her.

can we make flyers? Perhaps someone in another town has her? Try calling west orange and Millburn police as well

Millburn PD said they wouldn't take a police report because my address is South Orange  LOL Even though I'm on the Maplewood border and Millburn is next town over!

So frustrating.  I can help hang posters later if you want...


so frustrating indeed. I am also happy to hang flyers. Try calling the local vets and shelters. Perhaps someone took her there without calling the cops

I have some time after I eat some lunch. Where was she last seen? Does she like other dogs? Because I could bring mine as bait. Does she like peanut butter? 

I would think SO would take the report and share it with bordering areas..

kaesq98 said:

Millburn PD said they wouldn't take a police report because my address is South Orange  <img src="> Even though I'm on the Maplewood border and Millburn is next town over!

I'm sorry MPD gave you the brush off. I live in Millburn and would be happy ask the pet shop to hang a poster for you.  Have you already contacted Millburn Animal Control?

CompassRose said:
kaesq98 said:

Millburn PD said they wouldn't take a police report because my address is South Orange  <img src=" src="/res/static/common/plugins/redactor/emoticons/1.0/images/2.gif" unselectable="on"> Even though I'm on the Maplewood border and Millburn is next town over!

I'm sorry MPD gave you the brush off. I live in Millburn and would be happy ask the pet shop to hang a poster for you.  Have you already contacted Millburn Animal Control?

Yes please contact Ralph the Milburn ACO. He is very helpful. Also make sure you check with Valley Vet as Ralph used to bring lost animals there. As well call St. Hubert's as they are animal control for Maplewood.

St Hubert's has Roma's information. Flyers are out, I just hope someone spots her.


Can we make this post sticky so it doesn't sink?

Bump. Let's help Roma get home!

Bump ! I will post on Facebook just in case my friends are in the area ~~  Good Luck  ~~

Thanks for the bumps. We all miss her : (

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