Looking for souvenir help from the Aussie MOLers

@joanne @marksierra and anyone else.  

Husband is in Sydney this week. Neither of us has been to Australia before.  He's asking me what one souvenir he can bring back for me.  Food or nonfood is fine.  I said a plush koala or a pack of Tim tams.  Other suggestions?  Thanks

Tim Tams are americanised now - go for Twisties or Jaffas!! cheese

What do you reckon, @marksierra?

You can buy Tim Tams in the Millburn  Shoprite.

shemademedothis says 'buy the Harbour Bridge or Opera House', which will probably mean a coffee mug or  small dish, or coffee spoon or something (snow globes aren't allowed on international flights any more, I believe). 

There was a news item this morning that platypuses are dwindling in number. 

galileo, if you want the real taste, you'll get Dick Smith's Temptin's. Pity the company collapsed. 

Suzanne, he might want to bring some warm layers - we're still in winter, and it's windy/damp.

ctrzwife brought me back a kickass bush hat when she was there years ago.  Still have it.  Love it.  And I've seen them on both men and women, so shouldn't be an issue. Just a thought. 

ctrzaska said:

ctrzwife brought me back a kickass bush hat when she was there years ago.  Still have it.  Love it.  And I've seen them on both men and women, so shouldn't be an issue. Just a thought. 

An Akubra!  Good thought.   https://www.akubra.com.au/

You can also get an Akubra Australian Slouch Hat


I also wondered what size suitcase he is using.  You specified one item, and I thought that, perhaps, he'd like to bring joanne (or me) back with him.  smile 

Mrs M suggested a bark painting, but that may be a bit fragile to travel with.

joanne said:

Tim Tams are americanised now - go for Twisties or Jaffas!! cheese

What do you reckon, @marksierra?

Another good idea, joanne.

Jaffas and Twisties should be available at most sweets stores around the country, so he shouldn't have far to look.

However, if he brings you back something edible, I think he should also stretch to returning with something a little longer-lasting.

Agreed with all suggestions cheese 

Edible gifts will have Customs to contend with, both on leaving here and on re-entering the USA. So you'll need to purchase things that can pass tough examination. 

If you're good gardeners, and love ferns, you might want to try for Wollemi pines, or something similar which you can purchase in safe seed tubes from Australia Post. Once back home, you plant and grow according to instructions. 

It's Aussie Rules season (still), so a Sherrin football and the rules to the game might be fun, but your family would need another to play with. Oh! What about backyard cricket?? Bat, ball, stumps - it's iconic! 

I was thinking that a Kylie Kwong book or two might great fun to explore - she has a wonderful approach to modern food and kitchens. Or Maggie Beer. (I'm personally not a Donna Hay fan)

oh! Another idea! Argyle diamonds! cheese or perhaps a pretty opal!

What about a nicely painted boomerang?  

dave said:

What about a nicely painted boomerang?  

Unfortunately, some of these now have a Made in China label on them.  You'd have to make sure they were made in Australia before you think about getting one.

...and it might want to come back... cheese 

joanne said:

oh! Another idea! Argyle diamonds! cheese or perhaps a pretty opal!

Or a pearl from Broome!

My first thought reading this had been a lovely piece of opal jewelry.

Australia is known for its fire opals - very beautiful.

FYI: just before 6am Monday in Sydney, and 8.9 degrees C. I forgot to check what kind of day it will be...

Hope his trip goes well. 

ctrzaska said:

ctrzwife brought me back a kickass bush hat when she was there years ago.  Still have it.  Love it.  And I've seen them on both men and women, so shouldn't be an issue. Just a thought. 

Need to see a photo of you in the bush hat

he didn't bring winter stuff .  He checked the weather before he left and said it was expected to be in the 60-70 F range.  He's at a conference in Sydney.  He brought a standard suitcase. Slightly larger than a carry on.  Thanks for the tips.  I'll pass them along.  He's never been there (despite growing up in Singapore) so it's a new experience for him. 

Not really a jewelry -wearing person  . Thanks for the suggestion. 

NoraCharles said:

My first thought reading this had been a lovely piece of opal jewelry.

If you can fit in his "slightly larger than a carry on" , you're welcome to come back.  He does have a massive suitcase  that does look like it would hold a body, but sadly it is still here at home.  

marksierra said:

I also wondered what size suitcase he is using.  You specified one item, and I thought that, perhaps, he'd like to bring joanne (or me) back with him.  smile 

Let us know what he chooses to bring home.

SuzanneNg said:

he didn't bring winter stuff .  He checked the weather before he left and said it was expected to be in the 60-70 F range. 

Here's the weather forecast for the week (note that our temperatures are in Celsius):


Suzanne, your husband will find the evenings/nights and early mornings quite chilly, and if there's any wind, Sydney can be wind-tunnel. He'll need to have a jacket at least, and possibly a scarf for his neck. 

After all, we are in the middle of winter! (I'm sitting in a summer frock, it's been 26 degrees today, and we took our Participants out for a seafood lunch) oh oh But when I left home this morning, it was barely 8 degrees.

Meet Ozzie    

marksierra said:

Let us know what he chooses to bring home.

He also brought back a Hard Rock Sydney / make a wish teddy bear and a wooden movable kangaroo toy.  

Not sure how to get him right side up. :-(

He's correct in the photo upload preview. 

what a cute wombat!

Well chosen!  question 

joanne said:

Well chosen!  question 


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