Looking for information on experience with SOMSD for students with Down Syndrome

Friends of ours are looking to relocate from the city to New Jersey and one of their children has Down Syndrome. Like everyone they are looking for a combination of great community, reasonable commute, and good schools for their children. Does anyone have any direct experience with the district for a child with Down or other special needs? I have the numbers for the Special Education department directly SOMSD website, but I figured it would be nice to get insight directly from families who have personal experience. This particular child is in pre-school, but experience from all levels would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

I'd strongly encourage your friend to reach out to the leadership on the SOMSD Sepac or SPED-PTO.  I can't tell you if the two organizations have merged or not, but the parent leadership would likely know of other families with children with DS who have been through the school district. 

So, start here: http://somsepac.org/contacts/sepac-contacts/ and here: http://www.somsd.k12.nj.us/Page/215

Pretty sure talking to other parents will be of more help than speaking with administrators, but as a sped parent, I may be biased! Good luck.

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