Looking for computer savvy high schooler or college kid for paid project

Hi. I am looking for a computer savvy high schooler or college kid or, really, anyone reasonable I can paid to convert DVD files to MP4s or AVI files. From what I've read, this is a pretty straightforward thing to do if you know what you're doing. I do not. Thanks!

Handbrake is free and can rip DVD's to MP4's. Not sure about avi's. May need a paid app.

Please let us know how this works out. I've found it really hard to get someone to be as meticulous as I'd want.

Haven't yet found someone…. Will look into Handbrake, per Joy's suggestion, but my challenge is lack of time!

Hi there, seidperson, if you're interested in checking with our very computer/media-savvy kid to work on this, check your PMs for another message. Thanks

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