Any thoughts on Bagels By Jarrett?

There will soon be a bagelry in West Orange that will test Sonny's metal, both on bagels  and spreads... I give you Bagels By Jarrett, owned & operated by a guy named Jarrett. He's been doing pop-up shops in the area for months, & I hear the he's often selling out within 90 minutes of opening. And now he's signed a lease on a place, so all we can do is wait, somewhat impatiently.

Now,I'm confident that most SOMa residents won't consider driving up here just for bagels & spreads, but after 30 + years of loyal patronage, I wanna put Sonny's on notice: if Jarrett's stuff is as good as I've heard, you're gonna have to up your game to keep my business...


where will it be located?

I don't want Sonny's to change at all.  If you like something better that's great, but I've seen several places I like close and reopen with upscale menus that I don't like or can't afford.  Please, don't even jokingly ask Sonny's to change.

drummerboy said:

where will it be located?

 451 Mount Pleasant Ave., in the strip mall where Metropolitan Plant Exchange is...


I'll give him credit for already having a Facebook page, with a decent number of followers, announcing his plans to open later in the year. Seems that a lot of SOMa businesses don't have that stuff running until weeks after they are open. 

It's like anything else. There are people who will drive all over North Jersey to get a particular type of sandwich or bread or whatever, there are SOMa people who are in West Orange, Livingston and other towns at least once a week if not more, others would rather just shop in their own community.

Yup. He's been smart, fairly audacious, and quite candid during his run-up to leasing this space. Self-promotion is usually well-tolerated on at least two of the WO FB pages he frequents, which has allowed him to create some terrific word-o'-mouth with bagel & spread-based contests, games, & free giveaways of his insanely well-reviewed wares...

However, had Jarrett not come along, I'd probably still plan to drive down to Sonny's for all my baglish needs...


BTW: Fair is fair,

Are you friends or family with the proprietor?

A former Sonny’s fan...  now partial to their bagels!

Jason @ Sonny’s is a great engaged proprietor. 

The bagels are great  

He even slices the lox, very very well.

I've driven past Northfield Bagels approximately 80 gazillion times.

I've been in there once, and was not inspired to return.

Sonny’s is a great local place. Jason has upped their game, kept the essence of the place intact, and he is all about customer service. Once I had to wait like 3 minutes for everything bagels to come out of the oven and he comped my coffee which he totally didn’t need to do but it was appreciated.

A west orange place would need to be much better *and* have everything be free *and* deliver for me to consider switching. 

Why drive all the way up northfield Ave for a bagel? 

Smedley said:

Are you friends or family with the proprietor?

 Nope, in fact, over the years, on numerous bagelated MOL threads, I've been a vociferous advocate FOR Sonny's (real bagels) vs pretenders such as Hot Bagels Abroad.

I am, however, Jarrett's FBF and fellow WO resident, and I do wish his new venture (stated target for opening: October/November) great success.

West Orange merchants have a saying: "When one of us wins, we all win." So I thank Bagels By Jarrett for (at least over the past few months) giving folks here another positive local something to enthuse over - online and IRL It's been more fun than waiting for the ChitChat to open.

Stay tuned...


Soda, please be careful. If you put an old photo of Benny Hill on the pic of Jarrett’s door, it might make yahooyahoo’s head explode.

What goes around comes around.  That location on Northfield held a bagel shop about 20-25 years ago, but it closed.

Sonny's is the best..No need to schlep  anywhere else. Supporting SoMa businesses is especially gratifying when they really can't be improved upon. Taste, customer service, location, community responsibly..why go anywhere else. Sorry Soda..I'm gonna redouble my Sonny purchases..

Wish him a lot of luck.  That spot used to be a kosher bagel store that was not very good.  There have been a few bagel places in that strip mall that never made it.

Knew someone that had a business in that mall, ended up moving due to landlord and restrictions he put on lease.

tomcat said:

What goes around comes around.  That location on Northfield held a bagel shop about 20-25 years ago, but it closed.

 This is Mt. Pleasant, not

yahooyahoo said:

Does Soda = Jarrett?

 Nope. Next silly question?


BTW: This is Jarrett & his lovely spouse...

If I reply to this thread, does Jarrett's picture disappear from the front page, I wonder?

ETA: Answer is yes. How strange.

Teaser: A sample of Jarrett's work...


looks like no one but you has thoughts on this business.  

ridski said:

If I reply to this thread, does Jarrett's picture disappear from the front page, I wonder?

ETA: Answer is yes. How strange.

 yes - we only show last comment with a picture - this will change down the road - we have removed that ability in this section at the moment.  

soda said:

Teaser: A sample of Jarrett's work...


 excellent Everything Spice surface density!

Train_of_Thought said:

tomcat said:

What goes around comes around.  That location on Northfield held a bagel shop about 20-25 years ago, but it closed.

 This is Mt. Pleasant, not

 yes, got the roads confused

More Bagel Porn...


Soda- can you please stop the business promotion.  This is a discussion board.  He can become a sponsor if he wishes.  Thanks!

Unfair criticism, IMHO, but you da man...


BTW; I prefer bialys to flagels, but gimme a well-toasted Thomas' English Muffin over either...

Your thoughts, Jamie?


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