Awww.... Poor thing. I'd take her, but my coop isn't heated and doesn't have artificial light, so my birds are (hopefully) hardened off and ready for the cold. I don't know where she was before the shelter, but right now she is in a heated and lit space, so she'll likely need at least minimal heat to get through the winter.
spontaneous said:
Awww.... Poor thing. I'd take her, but my coop isn't heated and doesn't have artificial light, so my birds are (hopefully) hardened off and ready for the cold. I don't know where she was before the shelter, but right now she is in a heated and lit space, so she'll likely need at least minimal heat to get through the winter.
This shelter is tiny and they don't have enough room for the cats and dogs coming in. I'm friendly with someone who works there once a week for dog evaluation. She posted this. I took a flyer that someone in SOMA with a coop might step forward.
Maybe get her one of these? Found it on Etsy! Wonder if they could knit a pattern of big eyes on the back to scare off the hawk too?
I would never dress up my chickens, but if I ever got hit in the head and suddenly decided they needed clothing I’d at least chose something with a little more panache
Very charming ensembles! Good new, the chicken went off to a farm sanctuary!
Glad that had a happy ending. See how this grimly fascinating NYT story ends -- about an Indian family who ill-advisedly adopt a chicken --
Saw this poor hen's picture at a shelter that I often get kittens from. It's no place for a cute chick like her.