Library Construction Cost

Here's some info for folks to ponder. I think these figures possibly raise some questions but would like to first hear your comments. And giving credit where do, this info was provided by a ChatGPT prompt, and confirmed by me using its refrenced sources. 

FYI Mpl is one of only two towns of its size in the state that operate a branch. The 2024 Library budget was $1767.6 mil, an increase of 6.3% over 2023

dank3265 said:

The 2024 Library budget was $1767.6 mil, an increase of 6.3% over 2023

You’ve got a potentially alarming typo there. The library tax was $1.768 million. (“$1767.6 mil” is $1.768 billion.)

comments carried over from duplicate post:

yahooyahoo said:

I recommend moving the decimal point, $1.767 mil.

Where did you find the data on the branches? Not doubting it, just wondering since I can't find it.

Are you disagreeing with the amount of money we are spending on our libraries?

My only complaint is how f'n long it's taking to build the new library.

Dank3265 replied: Thanks for the edit. Data on branches is from a ChatGPT prompt, a service I've found reliable for basic info like this. Can't comment on the spending, since little details are available. I do know that the annual costs of the two Twp bonds will likely run over $2mil/yr, a sizable amount for a town our size. Plus not sure why the additional $5mil was needed in Nov. 2024

Dank3265 replied:

Plus not sure why the additional $5mil was needed in Nov. 2024

According to the minutes of the Nov. 6 Township Committee meeting, when the additional $5 million bond ordinance was introduced, the original funding of $20 million ran out before the library renovations and furnishing could be completed. Vic DeLuca attributed the shortfall to earlier, unanticipated costs for environmental cleanup.

dank3265 said:

FYI Mpl is one of only two towns of its size in the state that operate a branch.

Don’t Millburn and South Orange, both about the same size as Maplewood, if even a little less populous, operate a library branch?

DaveSchmidt said:

Don’t Millburn and South Orange, both about the same size as Maplewood, if even a little less populous, operate a library branch?

Not to my knowledge.  South Orange is temporarily operating two branches while expansion/construction on their library is underway.  I know of only one library building in Millburn.  They had a temporary location while work was being done on their library building.  That temporary location has since been closed.

By "branch" I think you mean a second location, yes?   Every town around here has at least a single location.

Is the point to this discussion that other towns should emulate Maplewood and expand library services?

Access to the library is important in a community like Maplewood. Maplewood’s main branch is in the heart of the more affluent section of town. The Hilton branch provides library services and access to books and other media in a much less affluent section of town. Families in that section of Maplewood are more likely to be on free/reduced lunch aid, have less access to automobile transportation and more likely to have parents working more than one job. 

So it shouldn’t be lost on anyone that the huge multimillion dollar project is going to massive construction and improvements to a facility that’s much more accessible to residents who are less in need of library services. I hope the Hilton Branch gets some attention and money as well. 

Speaking of money, there are surely a few people in the Hilton section of town who cannot transport themselves to the main branch. It would be interesting to know the dollar cost PER PERSON of these few people that we are paying to maintain the Hilton Branch.

mrmaplewood said:

Speaking of money, there are surely a few people in the Hilton section of town who cannot transport themselves to the main branch. It would be interesting to know the dollar cost PER PERSON of these few people that we are paying to maintain the Hilton Branch.

That is not why the town is maintaining the Hilton Branch.  Hilton Branch library is an anchor for that section of Springfield Avenue. There are services provided at the Hilton Branch such as in person ESL classes, 3D printing, town history archives, and some in person children's programs that were not at the main building, even when that building was open.  

bub said:

By "branch" I think you mean a second location, yes?  

After reading Joan’s reply, I’d say yes. I initially took it to mean a single location.

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