Leaf Pick Up Schedule Change?

Does anyone know if there has been a change in the leaf pickup schedule?  Today most of our neighbors have leaf piles on the street, despite last week supposedly being the last pickup.  I'm assuming they have a private service coming to get the leaves?  It felt like the leaves fell late this year, so I wondered if maybe there was a shift in the schedule I wasn't aware of.  

I checked the website for additional information but didn't find anything besides the original schedule. Any info to share, please post.  Thank you!

I am hoping that the town is able to accommodate the late start to the season and add an extra pick up, but I will understand if they are not able to do that. I'd say that most of the pick up dates for my area passed before the leaves even fell. Then during the last one a neighbor parked right in front of our pile so the town was unable to get our leaves when they came down our street. If our leaves are still there next week I might have to bag them and drive them to DPW myself (you can do that, right???)


I sure hope they come for another round because the last time they came through our street was three weeks ago.

Week of 12/7 is the final week - Zones 5 & 6.


Whatever variety of maple tree turns bright yellow before the leaves drop is turning VERY late this year. We have them in our yard (as do lots of our neighbors) and these trees still are holding on to their leaves. If the town doesn't do a late pickup for them, there's going to be a lot of leaves on sidewalks and in gutters until the spring clean-up. Or until the plows come through for the snow.....

Some of the larger town trees in my neighborhood still haven't dropped their leaves yet.  I'm hoping the town is aware of this and will come by as they can to remove these leaves once they have fallen.

We're section 4, and the last pick-up was scheduled for last week.  Nothing was picked up, so I hope that means they'll get to us this week.

We have two of those late-dropping yellow maples (one a town tree) and they are still holding on to most of their leaves.

Part of the problem is that the town doesn't enforce the rules about when leaves can be put in the street.  So landscapers keep blowing them weekly and there are still leaf piles after the deadline.  (Ours WERE picked up one morning last week per the schedule, but by the same afternoon there were new piles in the street.)

Someone reported on Facebook that they called DPW and an unofficial pickup is occurring. I hope that's true because I put another rake-out on the curb last night.

ArchBroad said:

Someone reported on Facebook that they called DPW and an unofficial pickup is occurring. I hope that's true because I put another rake-out on the curb last night.

I hope that's at least another week off ... maybe these stubborn trees will let go of their leaves by then.

We are section 3 and we were scheduled for our final pick up last week, there was no pickup.  We all have piles in front of our houses! 

So are we. No pickup last week or this one so far.  I'm still hopeful there will be a pickup tomorrow, Saturday.

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