Laura Grace Stammers Nichols - your love and support for me and my family and Dan has been truly awesome!

I posted the following on the gofundme site, as a way to say thank you, and realized I should share it here as well, in hopes that all who gave will see it...

Dear 364 amazing folk who have contributed to the Laura Nichols Fund, started here by Laura's dear friend Mary Marzano: You are angels, you are heroes, you have no idea...when I went to set up a funeral for Laura at the funeral home on April 3, I learned that I needed $3500. for a deposit. I'm ashamed to tell you, I only had $1,100. to my name at that moment. But the funeral home folk graciously agreed to accept $1,000. as a deposit, once they realized that funds were pouring in thru this site, created by Mary...and because of your generosity, I was able to completely pay for the funeral, cremation, hospital and ER and ambulance costs, and many other details of daily life that Laura was able to leave behind, for a far better place... 
I'm part of a little program that meets around town (I'd tell you about it, but we're, umm, anonymous...) and there's a promise that we cling to that says "you will SUDDENLY realize that God is doing for you what you could not have done for yourself." I remember the moment I SUDDENLY realized that God was using all of you help me pay for something I never anticipated having to pay, in the midst of great agony and pain, having to help 3 young adults grapple with the sudden shocking death of their mother, and a good buddy deal with the death of the woman he thought would be his partner for the rest of his life... God truly, suddenly, did for me what I could not do for myself, and He used each one of YOU to do it...
How does it feel to be God's hands and God's feet and God's LOVE in action??!! Cause that's you... All I can say, from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of my children, Laura's brother and sisters and family, and Dan, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Tommy Nichols Maplewood, NJ

Also, to see Laura's celebration service which we held at Morrow Church on April 9, 2015, click here:

Tommy and Laura - February, 1987, Silver Lake, Baldwin, NY

Here's what we produced!  A chair full o' Nichols!  circa 1996...Baldwin, NY

I like the strategically placed hand, Tommy. I'm sure Laura is winking from wherever she is.

Hoping that each day brings you all a little closer to a state of mind that knows she's with you in spirit.

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