Job interview question

I have a job interview scheduled for Wednesday morning. Not convenient in light of the fact that I already have a full-time job... tried to make it for Friday, when I have the day off, but the interviewer preferred Wednesday. I have been in this situation before, but not for quite a few years. I'm wondering what is the best way to account for the time out of office with my current employer? Is it better to give advance notice that I "have an appointment" (implied, doctor) on the day of the interview and will be arriving mid-morning? Or is it better to wait until the day of the interview, and tell the office that I'll be in late due to an "emergency" or "personal situation that has to be dealt with"? I really hate outright lying, so don't want to make up a story about my kid getting sick or something like that... and can't use the car trouble excuse because everyone in my office knows I have a relatively new car...

i'd go with the "i'm going to be late wed b/c I have an appt wed morning" and leave it at that.

holymoly said:
i'd go with the "i'm going to be late wed b/c I have an appt wed morning" and leave it at that.

Simple as that. You're not lying, just being selective with the truth.

GOOD LUCK with the interview! grin

Notify your employer in advance that you have personal business that needs to be attended to on Wednesday morning and that you will get to work as soon as you can. No need to get any more specific than that.

Just don't show up to work in a three-piece suit!

Good luck!

Hahaha said:
Just don't show up to work in a three-piece suit!

Good luck!

last week on a 90+ degree day I got in the elevator in our building with a young guy who was wearing a suit and tie. I turned to him and said "Interview?" He was indeed going to an interview. So I wished him luck and told him everyone would suspect a guy in a suit on the hottest day of the summer had an interview. grin

Hahaha said:
Just don't show up to work in a three-piece suit!

Good luck!

This is actually going to be a bit of a problem... since I generally don't dress very formally for my current job. I'm going to have to find someplace to at least change out of the jacket and shirt... can probably get away with wearing the interview suit pants with something different on top.

Is there someplace you can leave the jacket/shirt/tie after you change into the more casual attire for the workplace? A locker at a gym or Penn Station, maybe?

Good luck! Yes, I would say you have an appointment, and I would also change your clothes.

I can leave the more formal pieces in my car, since I'll be driving. Where to change, is the question... but pretty sure I'll figure it out. (If worst comes to worst, the back seat windows of my car are shaded...)

Find a restaurant and buy something small so you can use the restroom.

Sounds like you have an exciting Wednesday ahead of you!

When I worked at an edit facility and usually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, I had an interview for another job and showed up at my job in suit and tie. Everyone of course asked where I was interviewing and I told them I had a formal family event that night and dressed for that. Might want to try something like that.

I once changed clothes in a McDonald's bathroom in Chelsea for an interview... it wasn't pretty, but it worked. And then I ran into a guy from my current job on the sidewalk. Womp.

I once interviewed in Manhattan for another job and brought my regular work clothes in a tote bag which I put in the reception room closet. Once the interview was done, I went into their ladies' room and changed into my regular work clothes. Easy peasy!

Much to my chagrin, I discovered on the morning of the interview that none of the good pant suits I bought 3 years ago still fit me. So I had to patch together a suitable interview outfit, and was able to get away with just leaving the jacket behind in the car when I got to work afterwards.

But, more importantly, did the interview go well???

I thought so, but who knows, haven't heard back yet...

Yeah, it can be very hard to tell. There was a time when I thought for sure I had a job in the bag because the interview seemed to go perfectly. But I was wrong.

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