i hate to ask, but where do we stand on the post office issue

anyone willing to recap?  and where do we get those signs?

I can answer your second question.  To get a sign, send your name and address to: villagekeepers@yahoo.com.

ETA - Mapleman - I love the photo.  It is perfect!

And I can answer the first. No.

Mapleman, that's perfect!

LOL!  (mapleman, that is priceless!)

I will say that this issue has a long way to go before it even approaches the most memorable controversy in MOL history which has got to be the reval in 2000.  So far, this one is pretty tame by comparison.

Carry on ...

Sweetsnuggles said:

I can answer your second question.  To get a sign, send your name and address to: villagekeepers@yahoo.com.

 One would logically assume you'd be able to answer the first as well, yes?

Why would someone start a thread asking for a re-cap of another thread?

Why would someone start a thread asking for a re-cap of another thread?

Why would anyone in their right mind try to read that other thread?

Some people prefer to read the original instead of the Cliff's Notes version.

ctrzaska said:

Sweetsnuggles said:

I can answer your second question.  To get a sign, send your name and address to: villagekeepers@yahoo.com.

 One would logically assume you'd be able to answer the first as well, yes?


max_weisenfeld said:

Why would anyone in their right mind try to read that other thread?

 Being in one's right mind is not a qualification for participating in MOL.

In fact it is often an impediment.

Recap here:


I actually think the opening post is instructional. The OP admits to not being aware of the status of the discussions, but seems to want a sign anyway. I think that's probably typical of many of the residents who bought a sign with a nice souding slogan.


max_weisenfeld said:

Why would anyone in their right mind try to read that other thread?

 Being in one's right mind is not a qualification for participating in MOL.

In fact it is often an impediment.


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