I don't like the online system for parking passes!

We live on a street that requires resident parking passes to be able to leave a car in front of the house during the day without being ticketed. We don't have to do this often, but it does happen occasionally. In prior years, I'd go to Town Hall, show them my license and registration, they'd write the info in a ledger, hand me the adhesive sticker and I'd go back home - 10 mins max, maybe. (no fee involved for residents of the street to get the sticker) Now there is an online system for all jitney/parking passes in town. So far, it has taken three emails, two phone calls and I still haven't completed the application process. It requires scanning and uploading both documents (which I don't want to do with all the data hacks that have hit so many systems lately) as well as navigating through a system that isn't particularly user-friendly. I don't usually complain, but I used to design computer systems and I don't like this one! Anyone else have similar feelings about this, or am I a voice in the wilderness?

I asked if one could bypass the system and do it the former way but was told you can go in person with the documents rather than scanning/uploading, but the application still has to made via computer submission. Not sure I think this is a good thing....

cody said:

We live on a street that requires resident parking passes to be able to leave a car in front of the house during the day without being ticketed. We don't have to do this often, but it does happen occasionally. In prior years, I'd go to Town Hall, show them my license and registration, they'd write the info in a ledger, hand me the adhesive sticker and I'd go back home - 10 mins max, maybe. (no fee involved for residents of the street to get the sticker) Now there is an online system for all jitney/parking passes in town. So far, it has taken three emails, two phone calls and I still haven't completed the application process. It requires scanning and uploading both documents (which I don't want to do with all the data hacks that have hit so many systems lately) as well as navigating through a system that isn't particularly user-friendly. I don't usually complain, but I used to design computer systems and I don't like this one! Anyone else have similar feelings about this, or am I a voice in the wilderness?

I asked if one could bypass the system and do it the former way but was told you can go in person with the documents rather than scanning/uploading, but the application still has to made via computer submission. Not sure I think this is a good thing....

WHAT do drivers do if they don’t have computer access or don’t have the computer skill needed to apply on line?  Will a staff member do the data entry for such a person?  

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