How do I remove a 'word' from my iPhone autocorrect list?

Somehow 'Mapkewood' made it into my phone's memory and it is making me nuts!

How do I get rid of it?

Good question .. I need to remove several !!!

Just start spelling it correctly.

Looks like you're SOL unless you retrain it like monster says.

"If you have misspelled a word so many times that now your iPhone attempts to auto-correct the correctly spelled version to the "learned" word each time you type it, you are probably searching for a way to delete the misspelling from your dictionary. Unlike Android devices, the iPhone lacks the option to delete just one word from your auto-correct dictionary. You must reset the entire dictionary to delete misspelled words"

Monster said:

Just start spelling it correctly.
So helpful ... not! oh oh

ParticleMan said:

But, actually, I'm sad to see that I apparently can't just remove the offending word, but have to reset to default ... grrrr!

sac said:

Monster said:

Just start spelling it correctly.
So helpful ... not! oh oh

He's not being unhelpful. Your phone will eventually learn the right way to spell it, just like it learned the wrong way to spell it.

You could try this:

Settings, General, Keyboard, Shortcuts

Add the phrase Maplewood with a shortcut like mw and then it will auto fill to Maplewood when you type the shortcut

Just curious - would setting up a message and typing the word in question 15 or 20 times in a row be enough to override the incorrect spelling when AC suggests a word? Just asking for my own info, not suggesting it as a general solution.

ParticleMan said:

sac said:

Monster said:

Just start spelling it correctly.
So helpful ... not! oh oh

He's not being unhelpful. Your phone will eventually learn the right way to spell it, just like it learned the wrong way to spell it.
Agree! I've done this. Just keep correcting it and it will eventually 'learn' it...

Monster said:

Just start spelling it correctly.

did that and takes me to the wrong spelling word lol !! ... wink

If I select it (once entered that wrong way), it will then correct it to Maplewood, so it knows that. But it still keeps suggesting Mapkewood first (when I type Ma...) I've done this MANY, MANY times. How long does it take?

@Scullu @ParticleMan - will try this .. I'm doing it but it takes for ever wink

Try putting in "Mapkewood" and having it change it to "Maplewood." I do this with a word that is one letter shy of "public."

Check your contacts and make sure Maplewood is spelled correctly for each contact that is using it.

marylago said:

Try putting in "Mapkewood" and having it change it to "Maplewood." I do this with a word that is one letter shy of "public."
I do this repeatedly, actually, but when I start typing Ma... it still offers the wrong one first. Then, once I have the wrong one, if I select it, it offers the right one ... sigh!

@monster - I hadn't thought of that. I'll do some sleuthing through my contacts and see what I find. Thx!

I want to know why the stupid phone doesn't learn I am not saying ducking. No matter how often I correct!!

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