Hillary for President

So she has been caught lying about her devices and sharing classified information on her private unauthorized server, she was extremely reckless with important secrets and she could never get a security clearance anywhere, but we are going to elect her President anyway.   Strange times.   

each party's members had the opportunity to nominate other candidates and did not. We can blame ourselves for this.

Anthem said:

So she has been caught lying about her devices and sharing classified information on her private unauthorized server, she was extremely reckless with important secrets and she could never get a security clearance anywhere, but we are going to elect her President anyway.   Strange times.   

The strange thing is that the Republicans found a candidate so repulsive that Clinton is not only in the race, she is leading.

Anthem said:
So she has been caught lying about her devices and sharing classified information on her private unauthorized server, she was extremely reckless with important secrets and she could never get a security clearance anywhere, but we are going to elect her President anyway.   Strange times.   

Chuckle.... How naive this all seems now. I bet you feel stupid.

Klinker said:

Anthem said:
So she has been caught lying about her devices and sharing classified information on her private unauthorized server, she was extremely reckless with important secrets and she could never get a security clearance anywhere, but we are going to elect her President anyway.   Strange times.   
Chuckle.... How naive this all seems now. I bet you feel stupid.

Like a basket full of deplorables

I think it's worth a discussion: Hillary in 2020?

Personally I think the blush is off the HRC rose (perhaps the understatement of the year) but who knows, maybe a majority of voters would feel like they've been given a second chance, an opportunity to correct their mistake of 4 years earlier.

I am opposed. I do not think she is interested. Further as a person of her generation, a "Baby Boomer" I believe it is time for our generation to exit center stage. I love Bernie and Joe Biden, but really, they will be well into their 70s in 2020. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
I think it's worth a discussion: Hillary in 2020?
Personally I think the blush is off the HRC rose (perhaps the understatement of the year) but who knows, maybe a majority of voters would feel like they've been given a second chance, an opportunity to correct their mistake of 4 years earlier.

Ehh doubtful.  An electorate that can elect Trump, wouldn't elect her no matter what. I didn't think she was that great of a candidate, but after he won, that's when I realized how much she was despised.  How much do you have to hate her to either vote for him, or leave the Presidential ballot box blank therefore de-facto electing him? Anybody but Hillary and i like her, she just not electable. 

You have to look at the traits of the people who have been eking out victories in red places. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
I think it's worth a discussion: Hillary in 2020?
Personally I think the blush is off the HRC rose (perhaps the understatement of the year) but who knows, maybe a majority of voters would feel like they've been given a second chance, an opportunity to correct their mistake of 4 years earlier.

Why on earth would anyone want to do that? A geriatric two time loser with enough baggage to fill Kim Jong Un's slow train married to a philandering dinosaur?

Hell No!

she would never go through that mess again. We had a highly qualified person who would have made an excellent president. The country tore her apart, threw her away and we got Trump. We blew it. I agree that Biden and Hillary would be too old anyway. Bernie has age plus, well, other issues.

This country needs a another conservative democrat the way we need a hole in the ozone layer. How about someone from the Democrat wing of the Democrat Party?

Why even talk about something that will never happen

HRC running for President is a Fox News fantasy.

tjohn said:
HRC running for President is a Fox News fantasy.

One could replace the word "fantasy" with another term, but this is a family discussion board.

LOST said:
Glad you asked.

Thanks for posting that. Fascinating. Some are serious possible contenders and some are WTF? but it's a list to work with. I'm concerned that we don't run a candidate that makes the same mistakes as Hillary, i.e, alienating  working class voters, playing exclusively to her base, seeming bi-coastal and privileged, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I supported HRC start to finish.)

LOST said:

Glad you asked.

Bernie, Biden, Clinton and Brown are simply too old.

Still, I would see any of them nominated before Andrew Cuomo who is just an epic douche.

I'd vote for Harris and Booker, in either order.

Klinker said:

LOST said:

Glad you asked.

Bernie, Biden, Clinton and Brown are simply too old.

Still, I would see any of them nominated before Andrew Cuomo who is just an epic douche.

I'm not a huge fan of Andrew Cuomo but I don't think he's an "epic douche." He''s a very good politician and for the most part, I like his views.

Klinker said:
I'd vote for Harris and Booker, in either order.

2 of my favorites. I also have always loved Sherrod Brown. I have a soft spot for Biden. And Elizabeth Warren. I follow Booker on FB so I'm more aware of his work. Watched the confirmation hearing today and he went after Pompeo and pinned him.

Keep an eye on Julian Castro for a VP pick. Quite a few senators are very visible with all of the Trump investigations.

Whoever runs I hope it is not against Trump.

Morganna said:

Klinker said:
I'd vote for Harris and Booker, in either order.
2 of my favorites. I also have always loved Sherrod Brown. I have a soft spot for Biden. And Elizabeth Warren. I follow Booker on FB so I'm more aware of his work. Watched the confirmation hearing today and he went after Pompeo and pinned him. Keep an eye on Julian Castro for a VP pick. Quite a few senators are very visible with all of the Trump investigations. Whoever runs I hope it is not against Trump.

I love Warren and Biden but they are just too old. We need someone under 70 who can serve two terms.

Man, there is something weird going on with the quote function.

I was trying to suggest with quotes that the fact that Mr T supported HRC from the start might have something to do with the fact that they like Andrew Cuomo, a known douche.

If Honey Boo Boo ran against Donald Trump I'd vote for her.  Basically, anyone with a pulse, two brain cells, and not a complete douche bag would get my vote if they ran against him.

Klinker said:
Man, there is something weird going on with the quote function. I was trying to suggest with quotes that the fact that Mr T supported HRC from the start might have something to do with the fact that they like Andrew Cuomo, a known douche.

He? They? 

A " known douche?"  I didn't see the documentation or reporting officially designating him a douche. Who sanctions those designations? 

spontaneous said:
If Honey Boo Boo ran against Donald Trump I'd vote for her.  Basically, anyone with a pulse, two brain cells, and not a complete douche bag would get my vote if they ran against him.

Alana Thompson has not yet announced her candidacy. I think she may run for Senate first.

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

He? They?  

I couldn't remember your gender. Could you clarify?

Klinker said:


He? They?  

I couldn't remember your gender. Could you clarify?

I was going to make a funny remark about gender fluidity but couldn't make it work. Then I realized that with "Mr" in my screen name, it should be apparent.

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