Help me calculate pulley/hoist requirements?

I want to install a pulley (or pulleys) on my porch ceiling so I can hoist a 90-pound object (my elderly dog) in and out of a wagon. She has a full-body harness with handles that allow her to be comfortably lifted like a suitcase.

The porch ceiling is about 8 feet high. Wagon height: 22 inches. Dog height: 24 inches. So I would need to hoist the dog to the point where her back is about 48 inches off the ground. (Hmm, this project is starting to sound a little wacky.)

Can someone tell me what to buy at Home Depot? If two pulleys, does it matter how far apart they're installed? I would be mounting them on exposed joists, but I can't remember offhand how far apart they are.

Is there such a thing as a pulley with a brake so I can leave her suspended briefly while I position or remove the wagon? It might make more sense to install a cleat on the wall to wrap the rope around.

Here is the wagon:

I would purchase a deer hoist.

Hunters use them to hoist deer for cleaning.

This one includes a pulley break that locks the hoist in an elevated position. Also the mechanical advantage of the pulleys means you will only exert 25# of pull to hoist you 90# dog.

Good luck.

Wow, that looks perfect. So I just need to install a hook in the ceiling and clip the top carabiner clip to the hook? (Making sure the hook can hold the full weight.) Thanks! I'm going to order one now.

How do you get the wagon off of the porch? Ramp?

Would lowering the dog over the porch's edge into a wagon on the lawn help any?

(I have to say that the other items on that Amazon page are literally terrifying!!)

Interesting project.

I might suggest that using an eye bolt instead of a hook in the ceiling would ensure the hoist didn't come off unexpectedly. Snap the carabiner into the eyelet.

You didn't mention what the ceiling is made of, but if it is something like beadboard, you will want to make sure you hit the beam rather than just screwing into the ceiling material. Otherwise you run the risk of it coming out or pulling part of the ceiling down with it. You probably already determined that, but maybe worth mentioning.

My nominee for best thread of the week.

Can the dog stand and walk? Perhaps a wagon with a ramp might be less stress on the animal than being hoisted over the side? My daughters wagon has removable gates and is fairly low to the ground.

kmk said:
How do you get the wagon off of the porch? Ramp?
Would lowering the dog over the porch's edge into a wagon on the lawn help any?

(I have to say that the other items on that Amazon page are literally terrifying!!)

I've never killed an cleaned anything that didn't have fins.

That said, I'm intrigued by the specialized bone saws, gutting knives, etc illustrated under the guise "You might also be interested in...."

alias said:

kmk said:
How do you get the wagon off of the porch? Ramp?
Would lowering the dog over the porch's edge into a wagon on the lawn help any?

(I have to say that the other items on that Amazon page are literally terrifying!!)
I've never killed an cleaned anything that didn't have fins.
That said, I'm intrigued by the specialized bone saws, gutting knives, etc illustrated under the guise "You might also be interested in...."

Right?! Most of us suburbanites have zero awareness of the world of hunting gear. I was impressed you even knew about deer hoists.

alias said:

kmk said:
How do you get the wagon off of the porch? Ramp?
Would lowering the dog over the porch's edge into a wagon on the lawn help any?

(I have to say that the other items on that Amazon page are literally terrifying!!)
I've never killed an cleaned anything that didn't have fins.
That said, I'm intrigued by the specialized bone saws, gutting knives, etc illustrated under the guise "You might also be interested in...."

All my grandfather used when i was a kid was a good sharp knife, a length of rope and some zip-lock bags for the heart and liver. I just stop in the dressing station on the way out and pay whoever is there to do it for me.

alias said:
I would purchase a deer hoist.
Hunters use them to hoist deer for cleaning.
This one includes a pulley break that locks the hoist in an elevated position. Also the mechanical advantage of the pulleys means you will only exert 25# of pull to hoist you 90# dog. luck.

Harbor Freight has one for $12 -

Here is the area in question. (Different dog, though.) She had a tough time with the steps, but she can manage the ramp easily. If anyone ever needs to build a dog ramp, that black surface is a heavy rubber doormat, cut to fit, that provides excellent cushioning and traction. I meant to get indoor/outdoor carpet, but the carpet guy at Lowe's was out to lunch and I found this instead.

(This house is a work in progress in another state.)

In this picture we can see how the garage roof extends out over the sidewalk. The beams are exposed, so it'll be easy to find a location for an eye bolt. (Good suggestion.) That's the subject dog up on the porch. Once she's in the cart, it's a straight shot out the gate to the street.

My deer hoist is arriving tomorrow and I'll get it installed Friday or over the weekend. I'll post pictures of my levitating dog if I actually pull it off.

GGartrell said:
Can the dog stand and walk? Perhaps a wagon with a ramp might be less stress on the animal than being hoisted over the side? My daughters wagon has removable gates and is fairly low to the ground.

I looked at this wagon and considered it seriously, especially because of the air-filled tires. The drawbacks were:

(1) She's unstable and reluctant to do anything that might cause a fall. She would resist climbing in and out of the wagon even if I figured out how to brace it securely next to a ramp. She won't go into the back yard after a couple bad falls on the back steps, even walking around from the front yard.

(2) I wanted a lightweight wagon that folds up easily so I can throw it in the car and take her places. The Radio Flyer is pretty heavy and I don't think it would fit in my car.

The Help 'Em Up harness is used by vets and physical therapists to carry immobile dogs, lower them into pools, etc. She really doesn't mind being hoisted in it, although I admit she's never been four feet off the ground.

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