HELP: Grandma Missing!

Notice: Please Help
Polish Grandmother missing. Danuta (Donna) Tarapata.
Last seen leaving her house Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm on Wooley Ave - Union, Burnet Middle School.
She was seen heading West towards Morris Ave wearing a baby blue windbreaker and black pants. She has blonde curly hair and is ~5'6", mid-eighties in age. She doesn't speak much English, Polish is her native language. She may be disoriented due to dementia.
If anyone has seen her or has any information please contact Robb at 908.868.5855.

I assume you have called the police? Have they put of a Silver Alert?

What jmitw wrote. You need to get the police involved. Also spread the word to her neighbors, any hyper-local media that might cover the area where she went missing, and any local community groups in the area. Also, contact NJT police (bus drivers in the area can keep a lookout for her for example), Union Post office (same is true of letter carriers), and local businesses where she might stop in or be seen passing by. If you can post a current picture of grandma here and supply a copy to police and any other group you contact, that would be especially helpful for those entering the search. Are there any favorite places in her past or present that she may be drawn to? If so, try focusing on those. Hoping she is found quickly and that she remains safe.

This has been on Facebook (with photos), and the OP might just be reposting it.

Perhaps a link to the facebook post would be helpful then.

Reported 10 minutes ago found safe in Summit. A bit bruised but OK.

Great news. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you all for you comments and concern!

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