Hedge options

Our new home is on high ground but you can still see the street. If we plant something and keep at 4ft tall, we can block the street view altogether. I thought about hydrangeas or azaleas and have flowers in the summer or spring respectively but my husband would like something green year-round.
Any suggestions? We have about 80 feet to cover so Camelias are out or we will need a mortgage to secure enough plants!
Thank you for your feedback.

Consider the following: skip laurels, boxwood, yews, oleaster, cotoneaster, Within each plant, there should be a specific type with the right height, width and shape for your privacy and budgetary needs.

If you can set the bushes back a few feet from the street you could still put in flowering shrubs in front or back of them.  

If sufficient sun is present:

Let husband know you are in charge. 

High performance modern German roses, backed by a nice Physocarpus opulifolius cultivar. An 80 foot row of each.

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