Haunted Houses

Last year someone put together a map of great halloween decorations in the area. My kids loved driving around to see them all and I was hoping to do the same this year but I can't seem to find the thread. I remember there was one over by Underhill track that had some spooky zombies - hopefully they'll do it again this year. Does anyone have suggestions for other good houses to check out? Thanks!

Here's the map we made last year:


Let me know if there's houses to add or remove. I think I can still edit it.

That's the one! Thanks.

Does anyone know of any houses we can add or take off the map?

The one on Durand is no longer decorated. There are two houses on yale that have some fun decorations - 13, I think, and then one closer to Springfield - a bunch of skeletons climbing off/on the roof. Thanks again for the map and Happy Halloween!

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