Gun Nation

The Guardian, a British daily newspaper, produces some of the best reporting about American issues. The title of their new documentary, "Gun Nation," speaks for itself. The film is almost a half hour long. Once I started to watch, I couldn't pull myself away. The fact that this film does not strongly advocate a position on American gun ownership is one reason why it is so powerful. It gives you room to draw your own conclusions, or affirm the ones you already have.

Gun Nation: A Journey to the Heart of America's Gun Culture

Well I watched it and it made me realize that we will never have gun control in the US. Never. The horse has already left the barn, so don't worry about closing the barn door. Nothing will make the gun owners shown in the film give up their guns. At least, for the moment, in NJ we do have strict carry laws. I'm sure that the laws in NJ are in the sights of the NRA.

wedjet said:

Well I watched it and it made me realize that we will never have gun control in the US. Never.


Here's an informative Washington Post story about a gun nut and Trump supporter exercising his gun carry "rights."

It’ll be the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, which he brings when going
somewhere he thinks is dangerous, like the Atlanta airport, where he’s
taken it loaded with a 100-bullet drum, or Walmart, where he thinks
crowds could pose easy targets for terrorists.
Why did he put two four-inch knives inside the car’s ­passenger-side
door? And why all the security cameras? Maria glances at a small screen
beneath the rearview mirror: It shows feeds from surveillance cameras
affixed inside the car that start recording when someone turns the

He's disabled, lives off his wife and government entitlements. He's a very "worried" individual. His car has five security cameras.

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