Guilty pleasures - Fast Food Favorites

So what do you guys like to eat from the fast food universe?

I have a real weakness for Egg McMuffins (which I consider to be a piece of food construction genius), though they could always toast the English muffin a bit longer. I wonder if I should just ask for the muffin extra toasty? I'll try that next time.

Also, if you order a different egg sandwich, but would like the McMuffin style egg rather than scrambled, just ask for a "round egg" on the sandwich.

I also think their apple pie is pretty darn decent. You're unlikely to find a $1 pastry that tastes any better.

And lastly, a shoutout to Chipotle. My son is a huge fan so I'm exposed to it a lot. Had some tonight as a matter of fact and it was delicious as usual. Though I do have a real weakness for that flavor profile, so I'm easy to please. Gimme beans-rice-sour cream-salsa, and I'm a happy man.

How about you out there?

I can devour a 20-piece McNuggets with Sweet and Sour sauce if I'm feeling particularly gluttonous. Bonus points if they're fresh from the fryer.

I don't know why but the Burger King Original Chicken Sandwich is another guilty pleasure.

Chick-Fil-A... Cobb Salad or Deluxe sandwhich

On long highway drives, Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich.

McD's fries. Always ordered with no salt so they have to make a fresh batch. Smash Burger mushroom and Swiss truffle burger. Yum. 

MsSumida said:

Chick-Fil-A... Cobb Salad or Deluxe sandwhich

You win the award for a double guilty pleasure - unhealthy AND politically unsavory. oh oh

Five Guys fries.

ska said:

MsSumida said:

Chick-Fil-A... Cobb Salad or Deluxe sandwhich
You win the award for a double guilty pleasure - unhealthy AND politically unsavory. oh oh

Who saw that coming?

In-N-Out burgers and fries.

McDonald's french fries

White Castle double-sliders with cheese--the holes in the patties are for extra flavor...

I've been eating way too much Chipotle recently, because it's within walking distance to my job. As a general rule, though I stay away from fast food unless I'm making it or it's pizza.

If I'm on the west coast, though, I'm finding an In-N-Out. That stuff is crack.

White Castle fried clams 

Big Mac or Quarter Pounder w/Cheese.  If I stop at Mickey D's for breakfast, it's the bacon, egg & cheese biscuit.  I think the Egg McMuffin is too dry.

I don't eat them often, but I like Big Macs quite a lot. I also like the McD's sausage, egg & cheese on English muffin. I don't know exactly what they call it, but I know it's their breakfast meal #2. It's my go-to breakfast when I'm running late and don't eat at home.

Kind of different from what's been mentioned, and not available in our immediate area, but I am a complete and total sucker for Waffle House. I love pretty much everything on their menu. 

EDITED TO ADD: I don't feel the least guilty about any of these things.

Whopper, BK chicken sandwich (though I haven't had one in quite a while).

Ditto the above re: Waffle House.

Don't understand In-n-Out, though my CA family is wild about it (animal style) and "expats" go there on their way in from the airport.

Locally (Wis), Culver's onion rings.  I just looked them up, and they're "only" 400 calories.  I misremembered as 1100 calories.  Woo hoo!!  Maybe this afternoon....

McDonald's hash browns

McDonald's french fries dipped in their sweet & sour sauce instead of ketchup

Wendy's chocolate frosty eaten with french fries, though this was better before they changed their fries a few years back.  Though not fast food, a diner milk shake with steak fries is really good, especially since steak fries are bigger so they hold the heat longer, the hot/cold, sweet/salty combo is perfect

Arby's Jalapeno poppers with berry sauce

Arby's used to have onion petals with a dipping sauce, very similar to a blooming onion except in pieces you didn't have to tear apart.  I'm pretty sure that one is no longer offered  gulp 

McD french fries, filet o'fish, mcnuggets and sausage mcmuffin w/ egg.

Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich

KFC's crispy dark meat chicken and mashed potato gravy

That's it.  Fortunately I only eat any (not all) of the above maybe 2-3 times a year.

How could I forget? Anything from Taco Bell. So, so lovely. It's the perfect IDGAF pick me up. 

Popeye's chicken - spicy, dark meat

In-n-Out whilst in Cali

Does a good falafel cart count as fast food?  If so, check that.

That's about it.

Oh, my. A Taco Bell seven-layer burrito, with a big Pepsi and then a Pepsi refill for the road. Maybe twice a year. As much as I miss Taco Bell in Short Hills/Springfield, it did remove a HUGE temptation...

Does it have to be from a major chain? There is a small chain of pizzerias in NYC called Two Boots. I like nearly everything they have.

Ribs and fried rice at Master Wok in the Livingston Mall

Tom_Reingold said:

Does it have to be from a major chain? There is a small chain of pizzerias in NYC called Two Boots. I like nearly everything they have.

I wouldn't consider Two Boots to be fast food, unless they have changed their model recently...

weirdbeard said:

Tom_Reingold said:

Does it have to be from a major chain? There is a small chain of pizzerias in NYC called Two Boots. I like nearly everything they have.

I wouldn't consider Two Boots to be fast food, unless they have changed their model recently...

I only started going there in 2013. The service is like other pizza places. You place your order and pay, and they heat your slice for a couple of minutes. That's no slower than a lot of fast food.

Sheetz appetizer combo, but only if molten hot.

weirdbeard said:

Popeye's chicken - spicy, dark meat

In-n-Out whilst in Cali

Does a good falafel cart count as fast food?  If so, check that.

That's about it.

If the falafel cart counts then chicken/lamb combos on rice from a halal cart was my favorite go-to when I didn't bring my own lunch back in Queens. I miss that option.

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