Good News in the World of Science

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The interior least tern, a bird which survived waves of attacks from dam building, hat making, and more, can now be classified as an Endangered Species Act success story as its numbers have increased 900% over 35 years.

Can I post something from the Weekly World News?  I understand there's a good story about the Bat Boy.

This one is pretty cool:

Astronomers Have Created the Largest Ever Map of the Sky, Comprising Over a Billion Galaxies

jamie said:

Reverse aging could be a thing:

You just need access to a hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

There's a large contingent of the brain injury community that believes HBOT is helpful in recovery from TBIs. 

jamie said:

Reverse aging could be a thing:

You just need access to a hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

 I wanna revert to the age where I don't need Viagara.

The snowflake photos are great.   I know it must have something to do with the chemistry of frozen water, but why are all snowflakes six-sided? 

RobertRoe said:

The snowflake photos are great.   I know it must have something to do with the chemistry of frozen water, but why are all snowflakes six-sided? 

 good question and you're on the right track.

Why are snowflakes hexagonal?

All snowflakes contain six sides or points owing to the way in which they form. The molecules in ice crystals join to one another in a hexagonal structure, an arrangement which allows water molecules - each with one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms - to form together in the most efficient way.

Thread drift

joanne said:

At last, self-navigating flying pigs!! 

blank stare


I knew of one flying pig, but I had to navigate!

It was an aeroplane I piloted many, many years ago. It had the registration letters of PIG.

I also flew a related aeroplane some months later. It was registered as STY

Now back to the Science

Reducing plastics: have you heard about this? Paper bottles for Coca Cola!!

This is pretty darn cool. Each green dot on the map (which covers the world) is a radio station. Click on the dot and listen to that station.

Hoping for a safe landing for the latest NASA Mars Rover Perseverance arou 3.55pm EST today.

If it all goes right, we'll have a helicopter on Mars that we can use to take aerial video for the first time on another planet!

Wow, this is just mind-boggling! Maybe all those people interested in cryology can be saved??

Surviving extreme events through suspending animation:  cryptobiosis:

I thought this was adorable.

Sorry if you can’t access it. I’ll try to post the article from my computer tomorrow. 

@marylago, the little I could read before it all flashed behind the subscription wall looked like a fun read! It’ll probably be accessible via library membership/PressReader, and very possibly New Scientist next week (I haven’t seen this week’s edition).

I thought this was pretty cool

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