Garden design - free meeting at Maplewood Library

Wondering what to do about your garden?  Come to a FREE meeting of the Maplewood Garden Club next Monday evening.  Maplewood Main Library on Baker St., lower level.  7:30 pm

April 11, 2016 (please note: this meeting is on the second Monday of the month)
Subject:  Garden Design in the US & UK 
Speaker: Sonia  Uyterhoeven

Sonia has worked in the field of horticulture, both in the UK and the US. She is currently the Head of Horticulture at Greenwood Gardens in Short Hills. Garden Design in the US & UKhighlights travels through the southeast of England and a decade of working and teaching at the New York Botanical Garden. The lecture will cover design principles, searching for designs that suit your style, and an exploration of some maintenance practices that will make your gardens look their best.

Meeting is tomorrow!

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